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Salem's Profile
Shoe Size: 7 1/2
Favorite Type of Shoe:
Man, do I have to pick a favorite? I love all shoes! I think I would either have to say any kind of heels or boots. I just got an awesome pair of hot pink heels from Nine West. Haven’t got to wear them yet but had to have them for my collection! 🙂 I am a shoe fanatic!! Right now I have 33 pairs, but that isn’t near enough!
Smokes: yes
Favorite Car: Infiniti G35, Toyota Supra, any classic car
Favorite genre of pedal pumping to do?
I would have to say either driving or revving! I love to get on the interstate and drive as fast as I possibly can! I’m shocked that I have not gotten a ticket (knock on wood). Revving, well for 2 reasons. One because you can feel the power of the car, and 2 because it’s a really great leg workout. 😉
What cars do you or have you owned?
Right now I have an ’01 Mustang (auto, not very fast, unfortunately), a ’90 Honda CRX which is about to be fixed up, and last but not least an ’04 Rodeo. Previous cars: Ford Escort, ’92 Ford Explorer, Jeep Cherokee and 2 Mazda 626’s . . . I have a thing for cars as well. 🙂
Worst Car Trouble Experience:
I was driving a 5-speed for the first time . . . that says it all right there. 🙂 I came to a stop sign which was on a slight incline. Well, I kept rolling back down the hill until it finally died. I’d been sitting there for about 5 minutes when a truck pulling a cattle trailer came up behind me. I was freaking out because I could not get the truck up the hill and this guy behind me was honking at me. I finally had to wave him around me because him being behind me was making me even more nervous. He wasn’t very happy but as soon as he left I FINALLY made it up the hill!
Joined PTP: December 17, 2005
From: Birmingham, Alabama
Birthdate: February 1, 1979