2/27/2025: Ok, looking at the first 2 weeks of April to get at it again. --------... view more.
2/27/2025: Ok, looking at the first 2 weeks of April to get at it again. --------... view more.
11/24 Update: Any custom not invoiced for this trip will be held and when we get... view more.
Update 1/12/2025: I'm sorry this issue has not yet been resolved. If you're still experiencing this... view more.
She is accepting custom video orders specifically for her to do in her car, a 2022... view more.
3/17/2024: Customs closed, thank you for sending in your orders! ----- Taking a few simple customs... view more.
Update 2/7: That's going to be it for this round of customs with Vivian. It was... view more.
Happy New Year to all of you who supported us in 2023! I'll never be able... view more.
12/4 Update: That's a wrap! We're finishing up a few things tomorrow before she packs a... view more.
6/6/2023: Customs closed, for now. All the customs that were submitted will not get done this... view more.
Clips4Sale 5/15/2023: So Clips4Sale has taken away some very important admin options, mainly the ability to... view more.
The remaining customs for April Lee will be filmed late this week and weekend. I will... view more.
I'm aware of an issue where some folks are experiencing redirect issues on certain videos. This... view more.
3/10: That's a wrap! Remaining customs will be posted soon in the store. April Lee is... view more.
Update 2/8/2023 Some more investigating is needed but the errors are resolved for now. Trying to... view more.
April Lee customs have been shot and will be sent to Google Drive or posted in... view more.
Update 1/22/2023: That's a wrap! Customs that were paid for have been filmed and are being... view more.
A little 'squeaky-wheel-gets-the-grease' and a whole lotta patience sometimes yields great rewards. Got this stunning lady... view more.
**Update December 11th: Thank you for submitting customs. I'm sorry I was not able to schedule... view more.
11/22: January 6th to the 22nd are our next shoot days with Persephone & Vivian. Persephone... view more.
Only took 18 years to get it done but hey, it's done! I'm so glad to... view more.
**Update 10/1: Customs closed. ----------------------------------------- Taking a few simple customs for April Lee for our shoot... view more.
**Update 9/26: This looks to be resolved. Please let me know if you're still having this... view more.
**Updates (most recent at the top): 3) If you are having trouble with custom 43 (Raven... view more.
Thank you to those who have supported us all these years!