Downloading Files Performance Tweaked
February 1st, 2023
Update 2/8/2023
Some more investigating is needed but the errors are resolved for now. Trying to boost performance, so bear with me. Got my server folks looking into it. Please report any issues you encounter.
Update 2/6/2023
@10:00am – Fixed ‘redirect loop’ issue. Store downloads should stabilize and be more reliable. Most ‘failed download attempts’ are from download mangers and/or using a mobile connection to download multiple clips at a time. Overall downloads site-wide should see a slight increase in speed.
Update 2/3/2023
@2:12am – I’ve undone the changes that were made, so the “too many redirects” issue should now be gone. It’s a good idea to do a hard refresh (Ctrl-F5) in your browser.
Update 2/2/2023
@7:32pm – I’ve hidden all products in the store for now while I get this resolved. If you’ve had issues downloading within the past 24-36 hours, it’s probably due to this change that was made. I hope to have this resolved within the next 24 hours, tops!
@6:29pm – It seems this latest change might of caused an error in some video files to throw a ‘redirect error’. I’m working the problem and will update asap!
I felt the amount of failed downloads some of you were experiencing in the store was a bit much, so I had some changes made to the site to get the downloads to be more reliable. This change is mostly for the store, since those files are typically bigger but it should also help with any file site-wide. There should be an improvement in reliability when downloading multiple clips at once; using a mobile connection or if you have a slightly-less-than-stellar wifi connection.