Store Now Open, Give It a Whirl!
September 1st, 2022
**Updates (most recent at the top):
3) If you are having trouble with custom 43 (Raven cranking the Cadillac), please try the VLC media player. www.videolan.org
2) Product(s) should no longer show as ‘Out of Stock’.
1) Upon payment, customers were not getting their download links immediately. I’ve now fixed that and all customers should now get your download links immediately after successful payment.
Starting slow to give everything a check and see how it works. The clip you see posted is available for purchase. You will have to create an account to make a purchase (for now) and it’s not required to have a membership to do so. However, if you do have a membership, you will login separately to that. I know, two different logins was not something I wanted but I was already to committed to this project when I found out it would not be possible to have one login. That is something that I hope to have altered down the road. For now, I just want to start getting some clips pushed out to see how this goes.
When you go to any of the store pages, you’ll see the ‘My Account’ near the top right of your screen but below the main ‘floating’ menu. That will take you to your store account that you create. It will show you your order history and give you the ability to download any clips that still have downloads remaining. The emails you will get after an order will also contain download links to the clips you purchase.
It’s been great seeing the comments section being used more on the members videos now that it’s fixed; I would also like to hear from you on any videos in the store you purchase via the reviews section. It lets others know what their fellow enthusiasts thought of the video and it also lets the models get an idea as well. Yes, they do pop in on the site from time to time to see what content of theirs is out there and if any comments have been made.
I certainly hope there are no issues BUT if you do encounter something, please let me know so that I can get it fixed. Let’s see how this goes…
9 thoughts on “Store Now Open, Give It a Whirl!”
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I downloaded 2 videos tried to watch them the videos glitches and didn’t work don’t know if corrupted download or not no email access them so now I have to go through tedious back door messaging
No email access — do you mean you didn’t get the order receipt email that had the links within it?
Failed download
Replied to your email yesterday asking for more info, just waiting to hear back so we can try to narrow down this issue for you.
Having problem that when I go purchase from the store it just says “error processing charge, please double check your order history and try again?” If it’s glitches could you refresh it and see what’s missing?
@Hell0666 Is it a video that you started ordering before but canceled? Try logging out and logging back in because it might be hanging on to that video thinking you want to buy it. You could also try a hard refresh when logged out (ctrl + F5 key) and see if that flushes any lingering orders/browsing snags.
@shishkbob order number #20475 if you want to check it on my account. Refreshing doesn’t fix it. Maybe you can manually flush it?
@Hell0666 It’s an old order (Dec ’23), so I’m wondering if that was causing some of the problems. I deleted that order from your account, let me know if that does anything. The only note on the order said that it was cancelled by you on June 5th. It doesn’t tell me if it was pending or anything like that before June 5th — which I normally see automated notes like that on orders.
Shoot me an email if you’re still having issues: sales@pumpthatpedal.com