Store Update
July 18th, 2022
The store is getting close but not quite there yet. The $999.99 pricing is the only way to keep some of you from making orders. Right now, there is no video attached to any of the current videos for sale while the final touches get completed. I will announce when it is open for business; believe me, I’m as anxious as anyone to have it done. Some things I wanted to go ahead and put out there to have in the back of your mind for when the store does open:
-The guarantee I’ve had for over a decade now of 5 or more updates per week ONLY applies to the members area. The store update frequency/scheduling is not determined at this time.
-The memberships and store purchases have no effect on each other. Meaning, purchasing a membership is not required to make purchases in the store and vice versa. Furthermore, buying a 12-month membership (just an example) doesn’t give you a discount on store purchases in the same way buying a bunch of store clips won’t give you a discount on a membership.
-A membership clip will not ever become available in the store and vice versa. However, don’t be confused when you see scenes in the members area that are outtakes or behind-the-scenes filming of custom videos. I oftentimes will film the events leading up to a custom video and what happens after filming the custom is complete. These may have elements that are very similar to the custom video but are not the custom itself.
-There will be an account required to purchase videos but I’m hoping it can be integrated with accounts already created for members area access. More info on that later.
-Videos purchased in the store are downloadable only, no streaming option is available. So make sure you can download videos to whatever device you’re on before using up your download attempts.
-If there is a problem with an order or download and you file a chargeback before giving me a chance to fix it — adios! You will be banned from the store and members area forever.
-I have a ‘Review’ tab for all videos in the store that I would really encourage you to use. If you have a part you liked and mention that in a review then someone else who has similar tastes might be like, “Hell yeah, I want it!“. Ultimately, this comes back full circle because you might come across a review that points out something right inline with your tastes and you’ll be like, “Hell yeah, I want it!” Keep in mind that all the videos in the store are going to be customs that you, the customer, have created for me to film. So you’re also giving your fellow pedal-pumping enthusiasts a review.
Thanks for your patience and stay tuned.
Thanks so much for all your hard work that you do for us…Look forward to the final version.
Hey, me too, I’m eager for it to be done!