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1391 (Pedals) – April Lee Taking One of Dad’s Old Cars to Meet a Friend


Outfit & Shoes
Tank Top (either red, yellow, orange, or pink)
Flip Flops (specifically these)

If it is too cold for that, she can either wear a denim jacket over the tank top, or she can wear a denim jacket with a knee length dress and these blue vans.

**This is just the view of the pedals.**
She is sitting on a chair with her right leg crossed over her left leg, dangling her flip flop, when she gets a call from a friend. The friend invites her to an afternoon of bowling, and she giddily accepts the offer. She mentions that her car is in the shop, but her dad’s car is available, so she’ll try driving that, even though it’s a stick shift.

Start off with a full body shot of her sitting on the chair during her phone call and have a close up of her right hand as she grabs the Volvo’s keys. She then walks out of the house and over to the Volvo.

When she gets inside, she rubs her hands on the steering wheel and says “Alright Volvo, a friend has invited me to go bowling and I would like to have some fun. Please start for me“.
She then, looking into the camera, says “If I remember what Dad said correctly, I have to pump the gas, push in the clutch, and then it should start“. Have an upper body shot of her as she says that and a lower body shot of her feet during the first two cranking attempts.

In between the 2nd and 3rd cranking session, have an upper body shot of here while she says “Oops, let me try this again“.

She then proceeds to crank the Volvo more, sweet talking and coaxing it, hoping that will encourage it to start. In the middle of the cranking session, have an upper body shot when she says “I really need you to start, you don’t want me to be tired before I get there“.

Have a mix of upper and lower body shots as she cranks the car for about 3 minutes. When she eventually gets it started, have an upper body shot of her giddily clapping her hands. She then proceeds to rev the car for a minute while smiling and giggling. At the end, she says, “Alright, it’s time to drive to the bowling alley, do you want to come along for the ride?“.

**She can’t drive a stick that well and since she was having a hard time getting it into gear, we modified the script to where she decides to take her dads other car, the Camaro. She swaps the keys out, the Camaro fires right up and she backs it up out of the parking spot. She gives it a quick rinse before heading out.**

While she is at the end of the driveway, she says “You know how Jason Aldean once sang about putting your pretty pink toes on the dash? I will one-up him and put my pretty pink toes on the gas“. After saying this, she decides to listen to music and enjoys listening to Poison’s “Nothing But A Good Time” while driving to the bowling alley.

Have a mix of upper and lower body shots while she is driving. When she gets there, she turns the car off and says “Thank you for working for me and allowing my fun afternoon to be possible.” She kisses her hand and pats the dashboard (similar to Hana in custom #460) as the camera fades.

The PiP view should be underneath the drivers seat, with the same view that was used in custom #1292 and #1356.

Length: 19:07

Resolution: 1920x1080

File Size: 1.40 GB


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