She’s going with a cowgirl theme for the festival tonight but can’t get her Bug or Chevy to crank. Β She’s been having trouble and is vlogging her attempts this evening in hopes she can get some help from friends on what is wrong with her cars.
She’s going with a cowgirl theme for the festival tonight but can’t get her Bug or Chevy to crank. Β She’s been having trouble and is vlogging her attempts this evening in hopes she can get some help from friends on what is wrong with her cars.
Alex Rayne Cranking Both The Super-Beetle & The Monte-Carlo / Brown Cowgirl Boots
Alex is vlogging she loves her old cars her favorite is a blue 1972 VW Super-Beetle she’s going to a fall festival with a cowboy them, she’s dressed for the part she’s wearing a blue denim long sleeve shirt, denim shorts, brown cowgirl boots. Alex is shooting this video with a hand-held camcorder she’s shooting a vlog talking about how she’s looking forward to going to the festival her boyfriend is going to be there. Alex is going to drive her favorite classic car a blue 1972 VW Super-Beetle that is if she can get it to start. Alex gets in as she’s filming herself getting a mixture of upper body and footwell video.
As Alex gets in she puts the key in the ignition she turns the key she cranks and pumps the gas pedal for about a minute, the engine doesn’t even try to tease or catch or sputter it just wont start. Alex gets out of the bug and walks over to the Monte-Carlo she gets in she would prefer to take the bug since it wont start she’s stuck she’s going to drive the Monte-Carlo over to the festival that is if she can get it too start, the Monte-Carlo can be quite temperamental. Alex walks over to the Monte-Carlo she gets in she puts the keys in the ignition she turns the key she has to do some cranking and pumping she gets the engine started, she gets a couple of revs in before it dies on her.
Alex goes back to cranking and pumping the Monte-Carlo the engine wont start after close to a minute the battery dies on her. This doesn’t make Alex happy at all. She’s going to go back into the house and call her friend Jess and have her come over and pick her up and go too the festival.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Alex says she has to go inside and call her friend Jess and get to the festival on time. The End. Alex you did a great cranking video in both the bug and the Monte-Carlo you did a good job shooting this video yourself. Great video π π π π π