This is the first clip we ever filmed of Aubrey. She’s wearing some snakeskin print stiletto boots as she cranks the Monte Carlo. She’s had some issues with starting cars and it shows in this clip. When the car doesn’t start up right away, she searches for her cigarettes and lighter to have a smoke to calm herself. She starts cranking again and the battery is just about dead when the car finally starts and she revs it up in her red/white striped socks.
Aubrey Crank & Rev & Drive The Monte-Carlo 720 P WMV/ First Video Shot/ Clip 1 Of 2
Its cold outside this is Aubrey’s first video she shot with PTP. As I watched this video. I don’t think she knew what she was getting into as she walked down the steps on the deck down to the Monte-Carlo. She had a little bit of trouble unlocking the drivers door on the car, it takes her close to a minute to get the door unlocked, she gets in.
The inside door panel on the drivers side is off the door its on the floor in the back behind the drivers seat. Aubrey is wearing a gray& white checkered coat, brown shirt, denim jeans, snake-skin stiletto boots, red socks/w white stripes .Aubrey puts the key in the ignition the engine will not start it almost catches quite a few times, she tries cranking it for about a minute it came close to starting.
After about close too two minutes of cranking and pumping the Monte-Carlo Aubrey stops cranking for about a minute she goes into her purse witch is besides her she reaches for a pack of cigarettes shes a little bit rattled she tries to find her lighter she emptied almost everything in her purse on the seat, she finds her lighter she lights her cigarette, after taking a few puffs.
She tries to roll down the window by taking her fingernails to get the window to go down, she turns the ignition to the on position she presses on the down button on the electric window to get the window down so the cab doesn’t fill with smoke.
Aubrey is talking to herself through out this video she tries to coax the Monte-Carlo to start at one point that does no good. Shish is getting a mixture of upper body and footwell shots. I don’t know if hes using one or two cameras one appears to be mounted somewhere on the dashboard the other is down on the floor on passenger side getting upper body video from her knees up to her face.
Aubrey goes back to cranking and pumping the engine almost catches by this time it appears she flooded the carburetor. Aubrey stops cranking she opens the door she goes around to the front of the car she pops the hood too see if she can see it anything is wrong she gets back inside the car. With the drivers side door open Aubrey goes back to cranking and pumping, the battery gets weak really fast now the battery is almost dead.
With all that cranking Aubrey stops cranking for about half a minute she takes off her right boot her foot is hurting her from all that pumping she might have to go to the foot doctor from all that pumping. Aubrey is wearing red socks with white strips. Aubrey goes back to cranking and pumping she rides the starter really good at one time for close to forty seconds, the battery is getting weaker by the second.
The starter solenoid switch clicks. Aubrey stops cranking for a few seconds, thats when she takes her right boot off, she pumps the gas pedal about six or eight times this is about the second time she done this in about the past minute of the video . Shish points the camera inside the car and is getting video through the steering wheel.
With the battery almost dead. Aubrey pumps the gas pedal about for or five times then she holds the gas pedal all the way to the floor, the engine starts right up. Aubrey takes a couple of drags off her cigarette she says thank you as shes revving the engine. Aubrey isn’t revving the engine hard it more like she giving the engine a gentle warm up for the rest of the video.
Because in clip two Aubrey is going to drive the Monte-Carlo. What will clip two bring us? Will the engine stall on her at a red light or a stop sign like it did with Audrey and Kimberly Heart?
Aubrey puts her cigarette out on the ground outside of the drivers door as shes revving and warming up the engine, she closes the drivers door. We will have to wait to see what happens in clip two. Until then pleasant dreams. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀