She couldn’t get her car started and called you to see if you could stop by and help her out. The video starts with you walking down her driveway where she meets you. Dressed in some cute little suede boots, a short dress, warm coat and leather gloves, she eagerly asks you to come on down and help her out. She tries starting the car and either it’s too cold, too damp or she’s flooded it as it’s not starting. She does a little ‘jimmying’ of the battery cables, thinking it’ll help and guess what, it does! Except it conks out again. She finally decides against taking this car and is now struggling to park it since the ground is wet and her tires are spinning on the driveway and in the mud where it needs to be parked.
Aubrey Mixed In The Monte-Carlo / Black Leather Suede Boots
Aubrey is going too be late for work it’s cold outside she was having trouble getting her rust bucket a blue 1986 Chevy Monte-Carlo to start the day before she calls you her friend to come over in the event she will need a ride to work. Aubrey is wearing a black pea cost, two tone white & black dress, black leather gloves, black suede boots. Aubrey thanks you for coming over the Monte-Carlo is parked off the driveway with a tree and bushes around as she walks over to the Monte-Carlo she gets in she has to do quite a bit of cranking and pumping to get the Monte-Carlo to start the battery gets a little bit weak not too much.
After a few minutes trying to get the Monte-Carlo to start she stops cranking for a minute she gets out walks to the front of the car pops the hood opens it, she giggles the battery cables a little bit telling you that her father told her if she has car trouble giggle the battery cables a little bit, she gets back in the Monte-Carlo she turns the ignition key the engine fires right up, this makes Aubrey really happy she revs the engine a little bit too make sure it will stay running she gets out and closes the hood. Aubrey gets in and pulls the car forward a little bit so you can get in.
Aubrey gets a few feet down the driveway she sees her other car is blocking her she puts the gearshift in reverse so she can backup before she can do that the engine dies on her she can’t believe it. Aubrey goes back cranking and pumping the Monte’s gas pedal it takes her about a minute to get the engine started backup. Wile all this is going on Shish is getting a mixture of whole body upper body and some great footwell video through out the video. Aubrey gets the engine started backup she’s going to try backing up on the grass so she can turn the car around, that wasn’t a good idea. Aubrey gets the Monte-Carlo stuck when she tries going backwards, she’s able to move forward just not go backwards so much.
The engine stalls on her a few more times after trying to get unstuck and cranking and pumping the Monte-Carlo’s gas pedal for a little over fourteen minutes Aubrey decides to quit wile she’s ahead, she’s asks you her friend for a ride to work. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Aubrey parks the Monte-Carlo off the driveway and shuts off the engine. The End.
Aubrey you did a mixed video in the Monte-Carlo your feet look sexy in those black suede boots. Shish your camera work as always great. Good Work all!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀