Mrs. Audrey is still trying to get her old car started in the school parking lot. The hood is up but no one has stopped to help. You like watching her pump that gas pedal in her brown boots. She keeps reassuring you that it’ll be okay. When she is finally able to get the car started, she has fun driving back to the house. The wind blowing through her hair, the sound of the engine when she gets on it, the smell of old car exhaust….such a fun trip!!
Mrs Audrey Giving Her Student A Ride To School In Her Red 1977 Camaro Z28 / Red Leather Gloves & Tan OTK Leather Boots / 720 MP4 HD / Clip 2 Of 2 / PIP
As we continue from clip one Mrs Audrey is still trying to get the Z28 to start, the engine isn’t some much as trying to catch or cough. Mrs Audrey keeps cranking and pumping the Z28’s gas pedal, her right foot must be a swamp by now from all that pumping of the Z28’s gas pedal. After close to a minute the camera fades when it comes back on the Z28’s hood is up one of the teachers is working on the engine wile Mrs Audrey is cranking and pumping on the old classic Camaro’s gas pedal.
Wile Mrs Audrey is trying to get the Z28 to start she tries to reassure you her student she will get the car started and get him home. Mrs Audrey asks the man who’s working on the engine if he knows what’s he’s doing, shes beginning to get a little bit worried, it looks like the man working under the hood knew what he was doing the Z28 fires right up it takes close to four minutes for Mrs Audrey to get the Z28 started she revs the engine good she tells you her student to get in and she’s driving him home. When Mrs Audrey can she guns the engine trying too go as fast as she can when traffic permits, she bumps the gearshift lever into neutral and revs the engine really good she does this a couple of times.
Mrs Audrey turns into the driveway of her student she parks the Z28 in the driveway and shuts the engine off, she tells you her student that she will tell your mother what happened to her car. The End
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Mrs Audrey tells you her student she will explain too your mother what happened to the Z28. Audrey you did a great two part crank and drive series in the Z28, your feet look sexy in those brown leather boots. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀