Audrey is loading up her clothes in the Jeep so her and Scarlet can shoot some videos over at Cassandra’s, where the rest of the cars are parked. Audrey knows these cars take a bit and works the ‘process’ but isn’t getting very far. The girls try to make light of the situation but the frustration is creeping in. She does get the Jeep started and they are on their way but the Jeep conks out on them and they have to pull off to the side of the road. Audrey starts cranking it again but it sounds like they might have battery issues…
Audrey Crank & Drive The Jeep Over To Cassandra’s Too Shoot Some Videos / Brown Leather Boots / 720 P MP4 HD
Audrey is going to drive the Jeep over to Cassandra’s now that’s all she has to do is get the jeep to start, on the day this video was shot the jeep decided to be a real pain in the ass. Audrey is wearing a dark sun glasses, blue & gray striped dress, brown leather boots. Scarlet is in the front passenger seat she’s wearing a yellow shirt /w gray & black stripes, brown leather cowgirl boots. Shish is in the backseat getting whole body video as Audrey tries to get the jeep to start it takes close to five minutes to get the jeep to start, once she gets it started it wont stay running, she grinds the starter one time.
Now that Audrey gets the jeep started she revs the engine to make sure the jeep will stay running she puts the gearshift in reverse to back the jeep up so she can go down the driveway to make a right turn. Audrey presses down on the brake pedal a little hard the brakes are a little bit touchy. Audrey makes a right turn she doesn’t complete the turn when the engine dies on her. Audrey puts the jeep in park she has to do some cranking and pumping of the jeeps gas pedal she gets the engine started she revs it a little bit to make sure it will stay running. Audrey puts the gearshift in drive and there on there way to Cassandra’s
The drive is going okay so far, will so far for the jeep wile Audrey is driving she and Scarlet talk back and forth about things, that is until they come up to a stop sign. Audrey hasn’t been to Cassandra’s yet. Scarlet tells Audrey to make a left turn she doesn’t complete the turn when the engine dies on her. Scarlet tells Audrey to put the gearshift in neutral, she does and pulls over to the side of the road and puts the gearshift in park. Audrey tries to get the engine to start back up she cranks and pumps the gas pedal it takes her about a minute or two to get the engine too start back up. Audrey puts the gearshift in drive she turns the steering wheel all the way to the left gives the engine a little bit of gas the engine dies on her.
Audrey tries to get the engine to start backup she turns the ignition key nothing not a sound, the battery could not have died that fast Audrey tries a few more times nothing. Audrey asks Scarlet if that ever happened before? She says no. The camera fades there going to let the jeep sit for a few minutes and try again, the camera comes back on. Audrey tries to get the engine to start the battery seems to be working okay at, least it’s not dead. It takes Audrey about a minute to get the engine started backup, the one thing Audrey would hate to do is walk over to Cassandra’s the brown leather boots on her feet aren’t made for walking she says.
Audrey puts the gearshift in drive and drives over to Cassandra’s it’s a good thing there not to far from her house. Scarlet tells Audrey where to turn left she does she drives the jeep slowly down the driveway and parks the jeep. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Audrey parks the jeep she and Scarlet get out of the jeep. The End. Audrey you did a great crank and drive video in the jeep, your feet look sexy in those brown leather boots. Shish your camera work as always great. Good Work all!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀