Audrey spends the first few minutes of this video talking to you. She knows you requested this video of her revving the old Coronet in a pair of cute pumps and pantyhose. She demonstrates the different types of pedal pumping methods she uses with the car turned off. She teases you and makes you anxious to have her start the car and rev it up with the motor roaring! She finally fires up the car and proceeds to rev it, while hiking up her skirt so you can see the tops of her stockings as she revs the car!
**This clip plays more smoothly in Windows Media Player.**
5 thoughts on “Audrey Sexy Revving the Camaro – #234”
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Audrey, throughout this sexy and erotic vid you asked the viewer several questions especially after you started the Camaro and preceded to begin revving the engine. At about the 4 minute mark, placing your left foot onto the dashboard, you wanted to know if this viewer liked what I saw regarding your succulent legs encased in pantyhose. Answer – YES!! Throughout the final half of the vid you were doing all sorts of things to your legs with the fingers of your hands, rubbing, stroking and caressing them. You asked the viewer if he would like to place his hands on your soft, silky nylon encased legs. Answer – If it were at all possible, most definitely YES!!
Audrey, what a spellbinding vid in which you teased the viewers; seemingly holding this viewer, me, in the palm of your hand. I could not take my eyes off of the computer monitor. I loved the devilish smile that you had on your face throughout the vid. I have to give you a ton of credit, not every model would be willing to hike up her skirt as high as you did revealing every inch of your gorgeous legs!! Audrey, this was your best vid ever filmed at PTP!!!!!!!! A magnificent and thoroughly enjoyable performance. Now I think that I’ll watch this vid a second time RIGHT NOW!!
I’m positive that this vid is going to be downloaded and saved to a lot of members’ computers! An outstanding performance!!
Audrey Revving The Coronet / White Open-Toed Stiletto Pumps /w Brown Bow / Custom#234
Audrey is going to do a custom revving video in the Coronet, she’s wearing a white short sleeve top, tan skirt /w white stripes, sheer pantyhose, white open-toed stiletto pumps / w brown bow. I think its a brown bow not real sure on that.
As the video begins Audrey says “Hi I know you requested this video.” she talks to you who requested the video for close to two or three minutes, one of the things she tells you is her revving style and how she likes hearing an engine roar, and how she pumps the gas pedal to get the engine to start.
Wile Audrey is talking to you who requested the video. Shish is getting a mixture of upper body and footwell video. Audrey tries to get the engine to start the first two times she cranks and pumps the gas pedal, on the third try Audrey holds the gas pedal all the way to the floor to clear out the carburetor, the engine fires right up.
Audrey gives the engine a really good revving getting the rpms up good a few times. Audrey gets a little bit flirtatious as she raises her skirt up showing her upper thighs, she lifts up her left leg and rests her left foot on the dashboard, her left foot is up pressing up against the windshield as she teases you for the rest of the video.
Shish is getting a wide angle shot as Audrey lifts her left leg and puts her left foot on the dashboard. Audrey asks you questions one of them is do you like the way she’s revving the engine? If you look closely you can see the hood is up as Audrey is revving the engine.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Audrey says ” Hope you enjoyed your video hope to hear from you soon see ya.” The End.
Audrey you did a great rev and tease video your feet look sexy in those white open-toed stiletto pumps, who ever ordered this custom I hope you liked it I sure did. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Great video. Audrey is pretty and she has great legs in pantyhose. I would like to see her do a cranking video where she holds the gas pedal to the floor throughout most of the video while wearing suntan or nude pantyhose in the Coronet, Camaro, or Monte Carlo.
I like the outfit that Audrey is wearing. It’s nice and different to hear the models talk about the subject. It kind of gives you a feel of what the woman is really like.
Im not a revving fan, but this video is sexy and good.. Audrey is a sexy, attractive woman with a sultry voice.. She looks dynamite in those pantyhose, and the fact she is comfortable with the upskirt shots just adds to her star power.. Would of loved for her to have done a cranking video with upskirts just like this, with some very sensual touching as shes doing it… thank you Audrey..Great job all around…