She walks out to the old 72 Super Beetle, gets in and gets it fired right up. She revs it for a bit before running the tank dry because the car just kinda sputters and dies. She cranks for a while but it doesn’t start. She gets out to look under the hood at the greasy and dirty engine. She’s no mechanic and nothing looks on fire, pouring out fluid or anything else obvious. She gets back in to try some more but gives up after having no luck.
Barbie Crank & Rev The Super-Beetle / Pink Sweater Dress W/ Black Belt & Butter Cream Leather Stiletto OTK Boots
It’s a nice day to do a little revving in the bug Barbie walks out to the bug she has a little bit of trouble opening the drivers door, after she gets the drives door open with her in those sexy size 8 feet in those butter cream OTK leather boots she presses down on the clutch as she turns the ignition key. The bugs engine fires right up with no problem she revs the bugs four cylinder engine for close to eight minutes with no problem, the gas tank is almost empty.
Barbie tries to adjust the drivers seat by moving it up a little bit she lets the engine idle for a few seconds it dies on her she has no trouble getting the engine started back up. Shish is getting a mixture of whole body video as she walks out to the bug and opens the drivers door and whole body video when she gets out and opens the hood to take a look at the engine, and upper and footwell video as Barbie revs and cranks the engine after the bug runs out of gas.
The bug dies on her for the second time this time she can’t get the bugs engine to start she gets the engine to sputter a couple of times she can’t get the engine to start back up, her sexy size 8 feet must be a swamp from all the pumping of the bugs gas pedal she’s done, after cranking and pumping the bugs gas pedal for a few minutes she gets out and walks to the back of the bug she opens the hood.
Barbie looks around the engine for about a minute she doesn’t see anything wrong everything seems okay, she walks back to the drivers door and gets in as Shish gets video of the engine as she cranks it, he walks back getting more video of her cranking the bugs engine still wont start as she cranks and pumps the bugs gas pedal. Barbie gives up on getting the bug started she stops cranking and gets out of the bug and walks back into the house. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Barbie gets out of the bug she closes the drivers door behind her she walks back into the house. The End.
Barbie you did a great crank and rev video in the bug your feet look sexy in those butter cream OTK leather stiletto boots. Shish your camera work as always great. Good work all!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀