Looks like Brooke got a double dose of the VW’s on her first time here…I forgot about that! Anywho, here’s some fun cranking, driving and general aggravation with the old Bus by Brooke! 🙂
Looks like Brooke got a double dose of the VW’s on her first time here…I forgot about that! Anywho, here’s some fun cranking, driving and general aggravation with the old Bus by Brooke! 🙂
Brooke Crank & Drive The VW Bus For The First Time / White Miss Matched OTK Leather Boots / 1080 I MP4 HD/Clip 2 Of 2
As we continue from clip one Brooke is driving back to Cassandra’s she’s flooring the gas pedal trying to go as fast as she can. Brooke is having a good time everything is going okay Brooke makes a right turn on the dirt road to Cassandra’s driveway. Shish has Brooke park the bus in the same spot where this two part series began. Shish has Brooke park the bus next to the Volvo. Shish has Brooke backup the bus so it’s parked straight with the Volvo.
Brooke tries to backup she doesn’t give the engine enough gas it dies on her and she has to do some cranking and pumping of the buses gas pedal, she almost had the engine started one time, she has a little bit of trouble finding neutral. Shish has to show her how to put the gearshift in neutral, it takes Brooke about two or three minutes to get the engine started she revs the engine a little bit, she tries to backup again the engine dies again. Brooke tries to restart the engine again this time she’s pumped the gas pedal so much she flooded the carburetor. Don’t ask me how she did it as she was pumping the gas pedal she held the gas pedal all the to the floor just long enough to where she gets the bus started. Who knows Shish might give her either a cookie or a glass of wine LOL 😀 😀
Now that Brooke has the bus running again she backs the bus up and gets it straighten out. Brooke has a little bit of trouble getting her seat-belt unbuckled she finally gets it unbuckled she gets out of the bus. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen. Brooke says “ I look like a sweaty wet dog.” As she stands behind the bus. The End. Brooke you did a great two part series in the bus your feet look really sexy in those white OTK leather boots. Shish your camera work as always great. Good work all!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀