Brooke is wearing some old sneakers, super short cut-off shorts and a bright pink bikini as she has some trouble getting the Jeep started. Mari gives a few pointers and after a minute or so, the Jeep starts and Brooke drives around, punching her foot to the floor every now and then on these backroads.
Brooke & Mari Driving Back To The House In Bikini’s In The Jeep / Old Sneakers & White Thong Sandals 1080I MP4 HD
Brooke and Mari are going to drive back to the house in the Jeep wagoneer that is if Brooke can get it to start, she rides the starter and gives the gas pedal a really good pumping, about two or three times the battery begins to get weak before the engine turns over. Brooke revs the engine good to clear out the excess gas from the carburetor. Mari tells Brooke that the Jeep doesn’t like her before the engine started up.
Now that the engine is running Brooke puts the gearshift in reverse to back the jeep out of it’s parking spot, she makes a right turn on the back road from the driveway she then guns the engine trying to go as fast as she can, wile shes doing that Mari pulls the visor down she looks into the vanity mirror to see how she looks. Brooke is wearing a pink bikini top, denim shorts, gray old Nike sneakers. Mari is wearing a black bikini top, blue shorts, white thong sandals. Brooke and Mari talk some on the way back to the house as Brooke guns the engine going as fast as she can.
Shish is getting combination of whole body and footwell video almost at the same time from the backseat as Brooke is going fast as she can on the back roads making left and right turns before making a left turn in to the driveway back at HQ. Brooke stops the Jeep not quite in front of the garage she puts the gearshift in park and shuts off the engine.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Brooke opens the drivers door as she and Mari are about to get out of the Jeep. The End.
Brooke you and Mari did a great driving video the both of you have sexy feet in the old gray Nike sneakers and white thong sandals. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀