She’s a bit rusty with the stick, so it takes her minute to get the car started. She goes through the steps of starting a manual transmission with me helping her a bit. Once she gets it running, she drives around a bit to blow off the cobwebs on her skill and the car itself. lol Mostly feet shots of her shiny patent pumps working the pedals.
Candleboxxx Crank & Drive The Volvo A Little Rusty Hasn’t Driven A Stick-shift In A Wile / Black Patent Leather Stiletto Pumps
Candle hasn’t driven a stick shift in a wile she’s a little bit rusty she’s going to drive the Volvo it’s parked off the driveway on the grass with bushes and trees too the left and in front of the Volvo. Candle tries to buckle her seatbelt she feels comfortable when she has her seatbelt buckled. Shish tells her there only going around the block, so she doesn’t buckle up. Candle is wearing a green sleeveless v-neck top, black mini skirt, black patent leather stiletto pumps on her sexy size 9 feet.
As Candle tries to start the Volvo’s engine the gearshift is in gear and lurches forward a little bit this startles the both of them a little bit Candle presses down on the clutch with her left foot as she cranks and pumps the Volvo’s gas pedal she uses a mixture of pumping and holding the gas pedal down all the way to the floor, looks like she knows how to cold start an engine with a carburetor it takes Candle three tries to get the engine started. Shish is giving pointers on how to shift into reverse wile he’s getting a mixture of upper and footwell video of Candle’s sexy size 9 feet in her black patent leather stiletto pumps.
It takes some doing as Candle backs the Volvo up a little bit the engine stalls on her at least one time, she backs the Volvo up she slowly gets on the driveway and makes a left turn from the driveway driving around the neighborhood. Candle relearns how to drive a stick shift really fast she has no trouble letting off the clutch as she gives the engine gas it’s like riding a bike, for most of the video it’s footwell video as she drives around the neighborhood, she stops at stop signs and makes turns with no problems.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Candle is shifting gears driving down a street. The End. Candle you did a great driving video you remembered how to drive a stick-shift really fast, you had no problem driving the Volvo, your feet look sexy in those black patent leather stiletto pumps. Shish your camera work as always great. Good work all!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀