In this last clip of this series, Candle is happy her car is now running and battery is charged up enough to get her home. Scarlet disconnects the jumpers and Candle thanks her for the assistance. Scarlet gets back in her car to move it but it won’t start! She’s not sure what the problem is and keeps trying to get it started without flooding it. You can tell she’s getting embarrassed and it looks like Candle may get to repay her debt sooner than anticipated. After a few minutes of struggling with her Chevy, Scarlet gets the engine started and moves out of the way. Candle is finally on her way back home after a rough day.
Candle Mixed In The Volvo / Black Strappy Heels / WMV HD / Clip 3 Of 3
As we continue from clip two Candle is still revving the Volvo getting the battery charged a little bit before she drives back home. Candle thanks Scarlet for helping her out, Scarlet says” your welcome.” Candle asks Scarlet if she could move her Monte-Carlo because the way Scarlet parked it its at an angle to where Candle can’t get out to close the hood on the Volvo, Scarlet tries to start the Monte-Carlo it wont start Scarlet is using a hand-held camera shooting video of her right brown cowgirl boot pumping the gas pedal on the Monte-Carlo trying to get it to start.
Scarlet says to Candle” how sorry she is and hopefully I can get out of your way.” Scarlet gets the engine started she puts the gear shift in reverse shes only able to move it about a couple of feet before the engine dies and Scarlet goes back to cranking and pumping the Monte-Carlo wile Scarlet is trying to get the Monte-Carlo to start Candle gets out of the Volvo she goes to the front of the Volvo to close the hood she then gets back in the Volvo she watches and waits for Scarlet to get the Monte-Carlo started it takes Scarlet close to five minutes to get the Monte-Carlo started she revs the engine really good to make sure it will stay running.
Now that Scarlet has the Monte-Carlo running she backs up and heads home, Candle has a little trouble getting the gear shift in reverse it takes her a couple of tries she gets the gear shift in reverse she backs the Volvo out of her parking space and she heads home, Shish is geting a mixture of upper body shots and footwell shots of Candle’s feet as they head back to the house she turns into the driveway she parks the Volvo in the same place it was when this three part series began.
As the PTP logo pops up on the screen Candle raises the emergency brake lever she shuts the engine off she gets out of the Volvo. The End.
Candle you and Scarlet did a great cranking and revving three part series that and we get to hear Candles voice and a pretty voice at that. Shish your camera work as always great, Scarlet your camera work with the hand-held camera great good work all!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀