Cassandra is sitting in the Monte Carlo with her legs crossed and outside the car. She’s on the phone with Scarlet, who is at the bakery getting a cake for a surprise birthday party. Cassandra’s job is to pickup the birthday-boy and get him to the venue before the cake gets there. After hanging up with Scarlet, Cassandra shuts the door and goes to start the car to leave but it ain’t startin! She tries again…no luck! If she doesn’t get that car started, she’s going to ruin the surprise birthday party!
Cassandra Cranking The Monte-Carlo Going Too Pick Up The Birthday Boy For A Surprise Party / Black Open-Toed Stiletto Slides / 720P MP4 HD / Custom#624
It’s a nice day for a surprise birthday party Scarlet calls Cassandra whose sitting in the drivers seat in the Monte-Carlo with her legs crossed. Scarlet is at the bakery shes going to pick up a birthday cake for the birthday boy Cassandra is going to pick up the birthday boy this will give Scarlet enough time to get the cake and the balloons and the party streamers set up. Now that’s all Cassandra has to do is get the Monte-Carlo to start.
Cassandra is wearing a red & black sleeveless dress, black open-toed stiletto slides, after Cassandra finished talking to Scarlet on her smart-phone she hangs up swings her legs inside the Monte-Carlo and closes is the door, she tries to get the Monte-Carlo to start she cranks and gives the Monte-Carlos gas pedal a really good pumping. Cassandra pumped the gas pedal so much she might have flooded the carburetor, after a couple minutes trying to get the Monte-Carlo to start she stops and tries to get Scarlet on her smart-phone either she turned off her phone or she has voice-mail pick up her calls. Cassandra goes back to trying to get the Monte-Carlo started.
As Cassandra keeps trying to get the Monte-Carlo started shes getting really frustrated shes going to be late picking up the birthday boy this will spoil the surprise birthday party that both Scarlet and Cassandra are going to throw for him. Shish is using two cameras one is getting whole body video from the drivers side as Cassandra is sitting with her legs crossed then a little bit later Shish is getting a mixture of upper and some really great footwell video as Cassandra struggles to get the Monte-Carlo to start the engine doesn’t even try to catch or cough or sputter, the other camera might be a go-pro that one is under the drivers seat getting great video of Cassandra’s feet as she works the gas pedal with her sexy size 8 ½ feet the last five minutes is all footwell video from under the drivers seat
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen the camera under the drivers seat is getting great video of Cassandra pounding the gas pedal with her right foot. The End. Cassandra you did a great custom cranking video in the Monte-Carlo your feet look really sexy in those black open-toed stiletto slides, who ever ordered this custom I hope you liked it as much as I did. Shish your camera work as always great. Good Work all!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀