She’s trying to fire up the Bug but it’s reluctant to start. Β When she gets it started, she revs it up but it keeps stalling out on her. Β A mix of cranking and revving in this video with some exhaust pipe shots.
She’s trying to fire up the Bug but it’s reluctant to start. Β When she gets it started, she revs it up but it keeps stalling out on her. Β A mix of cranking and revving in this video with some exhaust pipe shots.
Cassandra Crank & Rev The Super-Beetle Trying Too Warm It Up / Black Thong Sandals / 720 P MP4 HD
The bug hasn’t been started in a wile Cassandra is going to start it up too warm up the engine, she’s wearing a pink and brown sleeveless dress, black thong sandals. Cassandra is already inside the bug. Shish is getting a mixture of whole body, upper body and some really great closeups of Cassandra’s sexy size eight feet in those black thong sandals she also has on pink toenail polish.
Cassandra primes the carburetor by pumping the gas pedal a few times the engine started on the first try, she got a few revs in before she took her foot off the gas pedal the engine died. Cassandra has to do quite a bit of cranking and pumping of the bugs gas pedal the engine sputters a couple of times before she gets the engine started, she gives the engine a really good revving for close to three minutes before the engine acted like it was starving for fuel, the engine died on her again. Cassandra has too do a lot of cranking and pumping it takes her a little over two minutes to get the engine started backup, it’s a good thing she got the engine started when she did the battery is getting weak really fast.
Wile Cassandra is trying to get the bug started backup Shish is standing about ten or so feet in back of the bug getting video of the exhaust as Cassandra tires to get the engine started, the bug is being a real bitch either the carburetor got flooded or it vapor locked on her, it takes Cassandra a little over two minutes to get the engine started backup so she can finish warming up the bug. Cassandra revs the engine for about another two minutes before the engine stalled on her again, now that the engine is warmed up enough Cassandra takes the keys out of the ignition.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Shish points the camera down the driveway Scarlet is driving in the Z28, she parks the Z28 not too far from the bug. The End.
Cassandra you did a great crank and rev video in the bug, your feet look really sexy in those black thong sandals. Shish your camera work as always great. Good work all!!!!!!!!!!! π π π π π