A great sputtery cranking scene in the beginning getting the old Chevy started before she revs it real good in this vintage outfit. I’m seeing some slight Jamie Lee Curtis in ‘The Fog’ vibes with those cuffed jeans and tan scrunched boots.
A great sputtery cranking scene in the beginning getting the old Chevy started before she revs it real good in this vintage outfit. I’m seeing some slight Jamie Lee Curtis in ‘The Fog’ vibes with those cuffed jeans and tan scrunched boots.
What a joy to find Lady Cassandra, always mischievous, playing, smiling and always so elegant (splendid gloves and boots ! )All that remained was to release the handbrake and buckle up…. Please, Come back quickly, for an epidodes series with the old Volvo or VW bus or … all that you want, why not for a Santa Klaus fiest ? Huge thank you from France… H.