She’s not too happy that you moved her car into the yard to do some work on the house. She walks to her car and gets her stiletto’s a bit muddy in the process. She fires her car up and with the ground being soft from a recent rain, one of her wheels start to spin. She rocks the old station wagon to get some momentum going but she’s just digging a rut. The car has a overheating issue, so after a few minutes of revving the engine trying to get unstuck, she has to let it sit for a while. When we pick up again, she has already put some water in the radiator and she’s hoping she can get the car unstuck before it overheats again. Unfortunately, she can’t get the car unstuck with the ground as wet as it is, so she’ll have to wait later.
**This was a video created and directed by Cassandra and filmed with the help of her hubby! She told me she had a stuck video for me and I was like, “Whoa!” 😀 **
6 thoughts on “Cassandra’s Volvo Got Stuck in the Yard”
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Cassandra’s Volvo Is Stuck In The Mud / Red Open-Toed Stiletto Pumps / 720 P MP4 HD
t’s been raining up at Cassandra’s house overnight, you her husband move her Volvo in the grass that has turned a little bit muddy, she’s a little bit miffed with you she says” you parked my car there in the grass”
Cassandra walks over to the Volvo she’s wearing a blue top, denim shorts, pink toenail polish red open-toed stiletto pumps. Shish is getting a mixture of whole body and footwell video from the outside a little bit later he gets inside getting video from the right side of her head down to her right foot.
Cassandra gets in the Volvo she start it up she tries getting the Volvo unstuck by rocking the Volvo back and forth. (This is Cassandras Volvo not PTP’S Volvo) This Volvo has an automatic transmission. Cassandra at first isn’t able to get the Volvo to move the right tire is buried a little bit deeper then the left tire, from what I can see the left tire is hardly spinning at all.
Cassandra keeps trying she takes her shoes off for a few seconds, she has to stop after close to eight minutes and shut off the engine it was starting to smell funny, the engine was beginning to overheat a little bit, she starts the engine and tries rocking it back and forth she’s able to get it to move forward a little bit not very much.
There’s rut behind the right rear tire each time Cassandra tries to rock the Volvo it gets a little bit deeper, the left rear tire isn’t spinning at all at first. The right rear tire is spinning shes able to get it to move forward a little bit the problem is now the right front tire gets in the mud really good, now both tires are spinning and the Volvo is hardly moving at all.
Now that the Volvo is stuck really good Cassandra shuts the engine off she gets out of the Volvo she says” she stuck good I give up, she walks away from the Volvo.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Cassandra is standing next to the Volvo she says shes stuck and she gives up and walks away from the Volvo. The End.
Cassandra you did a great stuck video in the Volvo.( I’m not sure I think this is Cassandra’s Volvo) Your feet in those red stiletto pumps they look really sexy, you also have sexy bare-feet.
Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
I didn’t read the caption for this video as I should have Cassandra’s husband shot this video he did a great job shooting this video. 😀 😀 😀
Hi All,
Cassandra’s stuck video in the Volvo is FANTASTIC! I really LOVE it! WOW – Cassandra has an AMAZING figure and it’s great to see her trying to free her “Swedish brick” Volvo from the wet grass, leaves and mud! Lots of really muddy spinning wheels in this video – GREAT STUFF…OH YEAH!!!
Cassandra’s husband has included some SUPERB camera angles in this video – I particularly ADORE the interior shots which are filmed from the rear passenger seat – somehow this angle REALLY captures the action of Cassandra trying to free the stuck car. We can see her sexy red peep toe pumps on the pedals as she tries to manoeuvre the stationwagon from the wet muddy terrain. This camera angle also captures lots of steering wheel turning which I LOVE and the groaning sound of the power steering motor is GREAT when Cassandra turns the steering wheel onto full lock… Another feature which is also captured by the interior camera angle view is the reflection of Cassandra’s face in the driver’s rear view mirror – I think this detail is REALLY effective because it capture’s Cassandra’s facial expressions and the grunt from the engine as she struggles to free the car from the mud… ABSOLUTELY SUPERB!!!!
I have a particular fondness for classic Volvos – particularly the 140 series and the 240 series (like this one is) as they are so robust and rugged. I think these Volvo cars make the ideal cars for “damsel in distress/ pedal-pumping” videos – not only because they have always been famed for their durability and safety but I also think that aesthetics of the brick-like design of the car offers the perfect contrast to the beauty of a sexy woman driving it. Indeed I think this car really accentuates Cassandra’s femininity! I guess you will probably think I am a real classic Volvo “anorak” when I can tell you that this looks to me like a late 1980’s Volvo as it has a post 1984 steering wheel and the design of the headrests on the seats are pre 1992. My guess is that Cassandra’s Volvo is probably an ’88 or an ’89 245 model.
Thank you Cassandra & your husband, ShisH & Scarlet for sharing this OUTSTANDING video with us – I really LOVE it…
Please keep up your great work. I am looking forward to ordering some more custom videos of Cassandra and her classic Volvo driving… FABULOUS!!!
This video earns a STANDING OVATION from me!!!
RoadRunner xXx
How could I forget to mention how BRILLIANT Cassandra’s dialogue is throughout this video too… SUPERB!!!
Thanks so much guys!!! Yes this is my one of my personal Volvos…. And it is an ’89……… Great guess, I can see you know your bricks!!!!! 😉
Hi Cassandra, It’s really great to hear from you! Thank YOU for your comments too! 😉
Yes I do indeed know my bricks! Our family car from 1978-’80 was a Californian white 1974 Volvo 144 DL. This was replaced in 1980 by a bright orange 1978 Volvo 244 DL (which I used to call the “General Lee” due to the color) I’m not sure we could have jumped ditches or outrun the police in that car though! Our family car from 1987-1995 was a midnight blue 1984 Volvo 240. I left home after that and still love these cars. In 2007 I bought a 1973 Californian White Volvo 144 DL… This one was almost an exact replica of the family car we had in 1978 (including the color), except it had the slimmer fenders (bumpers) and the interior was blue instead of red. Sadly I had to sell it a year later when I had to move for work. I’m looking for another old Volvo now though- ideally a 144 or a 145 (like ShisH’s one). I’m pleased that the shape of the Volvo models didn’t change too radically between 1967 (the 140 series) through to the final year of 1993 (the 240 series) much at all. I will love watching you driving “Swedish bricks” forever!!! Ha-ha…
You definitely have a natural gift for camera work and your damsel in distress role play really tops the bill!
Your videos just get better and better! I’m dreaming up some more great plots and scenarios…
RoadRunner xXx