The video starts out with Cheyenne moving the Monte Carlo around in her white Keds so they can take the Cadillac for a spin. It just had it new motor put in and doesn’t have the complete exhaust on yet, so it’s running open headers and it’s ratty-loud. lol But Cassandra gets it fired up and she’s not paying attention while backing up and I have to get her to stop before destroying the front of the car…crisis averted…she continues backing up without incident.
She drives around, giving the engine some time to break-in and see if there are any kinks that need to be worked out. We arrive at her place and I have to remind her to go in at an angle because the car is so long. The car chugs and die at the exact moment it gets parked…couldn’t time that any better if you tried!
Cassandra & Cheyenne Driving The Cadillac Over To Cassandra’s House To Shoot Videos( First Cheyenne Has To Move The Monte-Carlo Out of The Way) White Keds Lace-Up Sneakers & White Converse High Top Sneakers / 1080I MP4 HD
The Cadillac has a new engine in it, it needs a new muffler put on Cassandra is going to back the Cadillac out of the driveway, first Cheyenne has to move the Monte-Carlo out of the way by backing it out of the driveway going around and parking it someplace else on the driveway. Cheyenne is wearing a white leather jacket,black leather pullover shirt, brown leather pants, white Keds lace-up sneakers. Cassandra is wearing a lite brown leather jacket, black leather pullover shirt, black leather leggings, white Converse high top sneakers.
Shish is shooting a mixture of upper, footwell as well as whole and wide angle video as Cheyenne walks from the Monte-Carlo over to the Cadillac, while Cheyenne was moving the Monte-Carlo Cassandra was having issues getting the Cadillac to start, she has the hood up so she might have had to change out batteries, it takes her a couple of tries to work the gas pedal, she gets the engine started.
Cassandra closes the hood the engine stalls on her she has no trouble getting the engine started backup. Shish is in the backseat shooting a mixture of whole, upper and some nice footwell video of Cassandra’s sexy size 8.5 right foot as she works the gas and brake pedals. Cassandra has to back out of the driveway, there’s a big rock to the right of the Cadillac. Cassandra has to pull up a little bit and try backing out of the driveway again, the second time does the trick.
Now to Casandra’s to shoot videos Cassandra can’t drive that fast yet and gun the engine going as fast as she would like to because the engine is new. Cassandra makes a left turn on the dirt road to her driveway and just as she parks the Cadillac the engine dies on her, talk about perfect timing. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Cassandra has just parked the Cadillac when the engine died on her. The End.
Cassandra you and Cheyenne did a great job moving the Monte-Carlo out of the way and driving the Cadillac over to shoot videos at Cassandra’s house the both of you have sexy feet in white Keds sneakers and white Converse high top sneakers. Shish your camera work great. Good Work all!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀