Scarlet is reluctant to take this piece of shit Coronet while Cassandra & Elizabeth are eager to drive around in this loud, old-school beast! It takes a few tries for Cassandra to get it started and Scarlet uses the opportunity to express her disdain for this car. Cassandra keeps working it with Elizabeth encouraging her and it FINALLY starts and Cassandra begins revving it, loving the sound it makes! After a while, Elizabeth hops over to have her fun behind the wheel but first turns it off to see if she can easily start it. With the engine warm ,it doesn’t take much to flood it and make it take a few tries to start again. She then starts revving while encouraging Scarlet to come up and rev it. Finally, Scarlet gives in to the peer pressure to rev it and as she’s revving it, she’s starting to enjoy it more and more. Maybe Cassandra and Elizabeth are right, maybe this car isn’t so bad!
Cassandra Elizabeth & Scarlet Revving The Coronet / Brown & Black Leather Boots / Clip 1 Of 2 1080I MP4 HD
It’s chilly outside Cassandra Elizabeth & Scarlet are going for a drive in the Coronet both Casandra and Elizabeth are looking forward to going for a drive in the Coronet Scarlet isn’t too thrilled with going for a drive in the crappy Coronet, as Cassandra gets behind the steering wheel she’s wearing a white turtleneck sweater, denim jeans, brown leather boots, Elizabeth gets in the front passenger seat she’s wearing a gold turtleneck sweater, denim jeans, brown OTK leather boots, Scarlet is sitting behind Cassandra she’s wearing a white sweater, denim jeans, black leather boots.
Cassandra gets behind the steering wheel she has a little bit of trouble getting the ignition key after getting the key in she has to do some cranking and pumping of the Coronet’s gas pedal, the Coronet hasn’t been started in a while it takes Cassandra close to two minutes to get the engine started she revs the engine for close to a minute before she and Elizabeth switch places. Now Elizabeth is behind the wheel she revs the engine for about a minute before she shuts the engine off she wants to do a little cranking and pumping of the Coronet’s gas pedal. Scarlet though the engine died. Elizabeth told her she shut the engine off Elizabeth does a little crank and pump she grinds the starter one time before she gets the engine started she revs the engine for about a minute or two.
Elizabeth scoots over to the middle so Scarlet can get in the drivers seat she revs the engine for the rest of clip one, as clip one is coming to a end Scarlet is revving the engine. Shish is getting whole body and upper body video from the backseat and from the front passenger door window witch is rolled down, and from the drivers door window it’s rolled all the way down.
What will clip two bring us ? Will the engine stall on Scarlet? If so will she have to crank and pump the gas pedal to get the engine too start backup? Or will they go on a drive? We will have to wait and find out in clip two. Until then pleasant dreams. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀