Cassandra Driving the Stubborn Monte in the Rain with Samantha Ford
June 3rd, 2022
I’m filming from the backseat as Cassandra drives Samantha around in the old Monte Carlo. It’s been raining today, so the roads are damp but that doesn’t mean you gotta drive like a grandma. It takes Cassandra some effort to get her car started before heading down her drive and turning onto the road with the inside tire spinning trying to get traction on the wet pavement.
Cassandra is wearing a pair of leather strap wooden sandals at first but kicks them off later to crank and drive barefoot. She lays into the gas pretty hard considering the road conditions and you can hear the engine opening up all barrels to meet her requested demands. However, her aggressive stopping does put a strain on the carb and it stalls out almost every time. It loads up with fuel and is a bitch to get started, especially one time where she spends a couple of minutes cranking the car at a stop sign.
Samantha is just watching the pedal work from the passenger side and along for the ride.
Temperamental) Brown Leather Strap Wooden Sandals & Barefoot / 1080I MP4 HD
It’s raining outside the streets are wet Samantha is riding shotgun in the front passenger seat as Cassandra fights to get the Monte-Carlo started so she can drive her Samantha and Shish whose sitting in the backseat shooting some really nice whole body video from the back of Cassandra’s and Samantha’s head down to Cassandra’s sexy size 8.5 right foot as she tries to find the right pumping method to get the engine started.
Cassandra is wearing a dark black mid sleeve button down blouse, denim jeans, brown leather strap wooden sandals, she kick them off after a couple of minutes, it takes her close to a couple of minutes to get the engine started, she shifts into reverse and backs the Monte-Carlo out of it’s parking spot and slowly goes down the driveway to the dirt road and makes right turn.
The drive to the old HQ goes without any problems by now Cassandra has kicked her dark brown leather strap wooden sandals and is driving barefoot her sexy size 8.5 right foot goes back and forth from the gas to the brake pedal and back to the gas pedal.
Cassandra guns the engine going as fast as she can on those wet slippery country back-roads she might have slammed on the brakes a little bit to hard when she comes up to a stop sign, she’s about to make a right turn when the engine dies on her. Cassandra is trying to find the right pumping method to get the engine started backup, traffic doesn’t appear to be that heavy.
The engine finally starts after close to a minute Cassandra shifts back into drive flooring the gas pedal going as fast as she can on those wet streets, just as Cassandra is about to turn down the street where the old HQ is, the engine dies on her. Cassandra manages to coast turn on the driveway and park not that far from the wooden deck.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Cassandra parks the Monte-Carlo next to the wooden deck and shifts the gearshift into park. The End. Cassandra you did a great mixed video in the Monte-Carlo your feet look sexy in brown leather strap wooden sandals and barefoot. Shish your camera work great. Good Work all!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂