Cassandra & Samantha Rev Up the Camaro in Boots & Socks
September 15th, 2016
The video starts with a slow pan from the boots the girls are wearing up to their tall socks, up their looong leather-clad legs and up to their big smiling faces! Cassandra gets behind the wheel first and romps on the gas pedal. After a bit, she swaps places with Samantha Ford so she can have some fun revving time in the Camaro! Samantha revs it up in her boots at first but then takes off her right boot to rev in just her white with green striped ‘Chiefs’ socks. She puts her boot back on and the gals wave at you, hoping you enjoyed the show.
Cassandra & Samantha Revving The 1977 Camaro Z28 / Black Leather Pants & Brown & Black Cowgirl Boots / 1080 I MP4 HD
It’s a nice day to do a revving video in the Z28. Cassandra & Samantha dressed in white shirts and black leather pants. Cassandra is wearing a white shoulder strap pullover top, black leather pants, white tube socks w/ black swirls, black leather cowgirl boots. Samantha is wearing a white long sleeve blouse, black leather pants, white Chieft tube socks w/ green stripes, brown leather cowgirl boots.
Shish is getting whole body video as Cassandra dangles the keys to the Z28 as both ladies have this big grin on there faces showing off there white tube socks and cowgirls. Samantha’s tube socks have Chieft on them. I wonder who this video is for? Maybe Chieft? LoL 😛 😛 just thinking out loud. Cassandra gets in the drivers seat Samantha gets in the right passenger seat as Cassandra starts the Z28’s 350 V8 engine, it fires up on the first try she gives the Z28 a really good revving for about the first couple of minutes of the video. Shish is getting a mixture of whole body video as Cassandra & Samantha stand next to the Camaro showing off there outfits as well as there socks and cowgirl boots.
After about the first couple of minutes Cassandra revs the Camaro’s engine. Samantha switches places with Cassandra she revs the engine for the rest of the video. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen both Cassandra and Samantha turn and wave to the camera. The End. Cassandra you and Samantha did a great revving video in the Z28 the both of you have sexy feet in both white tube socks and cowgirl boots. Shish your camera as always great. Good work all!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀