If you stuck fans can recall, Damara ended up getting the Monte Carlo stuck in this drainage ditch during her 3 part stuck series. This is 2 days later, after the ground has dried some and I turn Scarlet & Cassandra loose to see if the Bus can pull it out. Scarlet is working the pedals in the Bus while Cassandra is working the pedals in the old Chevy. The Bus just doesn’t have enough ‘umpf’ to pull the Monte Carlo out of it’s giant hole Damara dug.
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Cassandra & Scarlet Trying To Get The Monte-Carlo Unstuck / How Do We Get Unstuck?
Its two days later after Damara gets the Monte-Carlo stuck in a drainage dutch after doing her three part series trying to get the Monte-Carlo on the driveway. Shish has Cassandra and Scarlet try to get the Monte-Carlo unstuck, there going to use the bus to see if they can pull the car out of the drainage ditch.
Scarlet is wearing a brown v-neck t-shirt, denim jeans, brown leather boots. Shes in the bus. Cassandra is in the Monte-Carlo shes wearing a white t- shirt / w multi colored polka-dots, denim jeans, black & white Keds sneakers, pink socks. As the video begins Cassandra has just started the Monte-Carlo she has no trouble getting it started she gives the engine one quick rev.
Scarlet is in the bus theres a towing strap hooked up too both the bus and the Monte-Carlo. Shish tells Scarlet to inch up forward slowly to take up the slack on the towing strap, if you remember when Scarlet tried to get the Monte-Carlo unstuck the right rear tire was buried in mud the chassis is on the ground.
Shish is getting video of both the bus and the Monte-Carlo As Scarlet is trying to pull the Monte-Carlo. Cassandra puts the gearshift in reverse shes able to rev the engine she gets the left rear tire to barely spinning at all the right rear tire is spinning its not getting any traction at all the engine stalls quite a few times. Casandra has no trouble getting the engine restarted.
The problem is Scarlet is slowly sliding sideways towards the drainage ditch. Shish tells Scarlet to turn the steering wheel all the way to the right so she can get the bus away from the ditch. The engine stalls on the bus at least one maybe two times. Scarlet has no trouble getting the engine restarted on the bus.
It looks like the bus isn’t powerful enough to pull the Monte-Carlo out of the drainage ditch. Scarlet is afraid shes going to wind up getting the bus stuck. Shish unhooks the towing strap from the bus. Scarlet pulls the bus forward about 30 or 40 feet she then puts the gearshift in reverse she backs the bus up to the Monte-Carlo. Shish hooks the towing strap back up again. Scarlet inches the bus up to take up the slack in the towing strap they give it one more try.
You can hear Cassandra get the Monte-Carlo’s right rear tire spin really fast its still not getting any traction, the engine on the bus stalls out again. Scarlet restarts the engine with no problem. Scarlet backs the bus up a little bit so Shish can unhook the towing strap, he then gets in the bus. Scarlet puts the gearshift in first she goes past the Monte-Carlo she goes in front of a shed she then backs the bus up so she can park the bus.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen. Scarlet is parking the bus. The End. Cassandra & Scarlet the both of you did great, too bad the bus wasn’t powerful enough to get the Monte-Carlo out, still a great video. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Ummm Keds SUCK…….I’m wearing Airwalks…….geez Praxis 😉
Airwalks I never heard of them until today. They look a lot like keds Cassandra silly me there I go again. LoL 😛 😛