Cassandra & Vivian Take the Caddy for a Spin but It Floods On Them Both
April 3rd, 2021
They’re taking the Caddy out for a spin today. Filming from the backseat, Cassandra gets behind the wheel first and starts cranking the car while pumping the gas to get the car started. It sputters and protests wanting to run as she keeps trying while Vivian rummages through her purse to forage for munchies.
Finally, the car starts and Cassandra lightly revs it to warm it up and as a reward, Vivian offers her a tic-tac mint. Except the reward is a bit premature as the car conks out.
“Did you come out here and play with my gas pedal?” Cassandra asks of Vivian. Soon after asking this of Vivian, she gets the car started and looks like they can go.
They stop in a neighborhood to swap seats and as Vivian is outside the car walking around, Cassandra slides over into the passenger seat and quickly turns off the car to sabotage Vivian. When Vivian gets in, the girls banter and excessively laugh and talk (sorry!) as Vivian tries getting the car to start. She does get it started after a while and drives the car back to the house and parks it.
Cassandra & Vivian Mixed In The Cadillac ( Flooding The Carburetor – Taking Turns Driving The Scenic Route To Cassandra’s) Dark Black Leather Cowgirl Boots & Caramel Colored Mid Calf Leather Boots / 1080I MP4 HD
It’s a little bit chilly outside time to drive the Coupe De-Ville up to Cassandra’s first they have to clear out the carburetor after Cassandra’s gets behind the wheel and floods the carburetor. Vivian is gets in the front passenger seat. Shish is sitting in the middle of the back seat shooting whole body video as the both of them get in and whole body from the right and left sides of there heads down to there feet, and maybe some footwell video when he can shoot the camera at there feet.
Cassandra is wearing a denim jacket, black leather pullover top, black leather pants, dark black leather cowgirl boots. Vivian is wearing a tan turtleneck sweater, tight denim jeans, caramel colored mid calf leather boots, she has a denim jacket draped over her right arm as she gets in the Cadillac. Cassandra pumped the gas pedal a little too much she flooded the carburetor somewhat not to bad, the engine teases her somewhat it almost turns over a few times, she gets the engine started it’s running for a few seconds before it dies on her. Cassandra didn’t rev it too much after getting it started that’s why the engine died on her.
As Cassandra holds the gas pedal all the way to the floor she gets the engine started revs it to clear out what excess that is still in the carburetor. Cassandra backs the Cadillac out of the driveway she goes on a short scenic drive to her house first she turns into what looks like a cul-de-sac parking lot she parks the Cadillac. Vivian gets out through the passenger door walking around the front of the Cadillac while Cassandra scoots over the drivers seat to the passenger seat, with the drivers door still closed.
Cassandra shuts the engine off Vivian gets in and dose a little crank and tease she floods the carburetor it takes her a few tries before she gets the engine started, after she revs it to clear out the carburetor, she drives over to Cassandra’s. Vivian makes a left turn down the dirt road to Casandra’s driveway she turns to the right looking over to the backseat asking Shish where she should park the Cadillac. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Vivian parks the Cadillac and shuts the engine off. The End.
Cassandra you and Vivian did a great mixed video in the Cadillac the both of you have sexy feet in dark black leather cowgirl boots and caramel colored mid calf leather boots. Shish your camera work great. Good work all!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂