Dakota has some troubles getting her car to start. It never starts right up but today it is being particularly annoying. Cherry tells Dakota to hit the gas pedal, “Boom, boom” ย and demonstrates by pumping her leg and foot in the passenger seat. After some going back and forth, the car starts and Dakota pulls it onto the driveway where she wants to rev it up a bit to make sure it’s running okay. Cherry doesn’t think Dakota is revving hard enough and reaches across and stomps on Dakota’s foot to make her rev the shit out of the car. Dakota is yelling for Cherry to stop while Cherry is just smiling away!
(I don’t know if the Monte Carlo has ever been revved that high but it’s a miracle it didn’t blow up)
They swap seats and Cherry has some quality time behind the wheel but she’s not revving it as hard.
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Cherry & Dakota Crank & Rev The Monte-Carlo / Black & White Converse Sneakers /1080I WMV HD
Cherry and Dakota are going for a ride in Dakotaโs 1986 Chevy Monte-Carlo itโs been giving her trouble lately cold starting the first time in the morning. Dakota has on black leather pants, black converse sneakers, Cherry has on black leather pants, white converse sneakers. Dakota gets behind the wheel she has to do some cranking and pumping as her sexy size 7.5 right foot pumps away at the Monte-Carloโs gas pedal as she and Cherry talk back and forth she gives advice to Dakota on how to pump the gas pedal.
The engine sputters a few times before she gets the engine started it dies on her she gets it started pretty fast. Dakota moves the gearshift from park to drive she has to turn the Monte-Carlo around after doing that, she moves the Monte-Carlo down the driveway a little bit, she shifts into park and gives the engine a really good revving. Shish is getting a mixture of whole body video as Dakota and Cherry walk out to the Monte-Carlo and upper and footwell video from both the passenger and drivers side, as well as whole body video after they climb over each other when they switch places.
Cherry gives the engine a good revving for the rest of the video. Shish also gets video of the exhaust and the rear of the car. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Cherry is having a really good time revving the Monte-Carlo as Dakota talks to her. The End. Cherry you and Dakota did a great crank and rev video in the Monte-Carlo the both of you have sexy feet in Converse sneakers. Shish your camera work as always great. Good Work all!!!!!! ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐ ๐
Yes. We want more pedal pump in all star – converse. White and black converse… Please ๐
More in converse ๐