Cherry Morgan & Dakota Charms Leather Pants & Keds, 1 of 2
December 23rd, 2020
You come walking up to the car with them two already in it trying to get it started. Cherry Morgan has gotten the engine really flooded and the little trip you all were planning hangs in the balance. Dakota slides to the middle as you climb in the front seat to get a great view of the struggling to come.
This first clip is mostly cranking by Cherry. Lots of sputtering and stalling along with more than a few choice words for the car. Meanwhile, Dakota just tries to provide some calm entertainment to keep Cherry from flipping her lid.
Cherry & Dakota Mixed In The Monte-Carlo ( Cherry Behind The Wheel Having A Hard Time Getting It Started And Keep It Running) Pink Vans Lace – Up & Green Keds Lace – UP Sneakers / 1080I WMV HD / Clip 1 Of 2
It’s a nice day outside you walk out to hear someone having a hard time getting the Monte-Carlo started . Cherry is behind the wheel Dakota is riding shotgun sitting right beside her, she asks you if you want to go for a ride, you get in sitting right next to Dakota as Cherry cranks and pumps the Monte-Carlo’s gas pedal.
Cherry is wearing a black tank top, dark black leather pants, pink Vans w/ black laces. Dakota is wearing a green tank top, dark black leather pants, green Keds w/ white laces. Shish is shooting a mixture of wide angle shot as he walks up to the front of the Monte-Carlo, and whole, upper and some nice footwell video of Cherry as she gives the Monte- Carlo’s gas pedal a pretty good pumping, you’ll also see Dakota’s sexy feet in her green Keds w/ white laces. The both of them wear size 7.5 sneakers there feet look sexy in there sneakers.
It takes Cherry a little over two minutes to get the engine started she gives the engine a few revs before she shifts into reverse and backs out of the driveway, the engine dies on her. It looks like Cherry didn’t warm the engine up long enough that and she didn’t revs the big block V8 so that most of the excess gas can be cleared out of the carburetor.
Cheery is getting a little bit upset with the Monte-Carlo Dakota tries to keep her calm. Cherry grinds the starter one time before she gets the engine started backup. Cherry shifts back into drive she makes a wrong turn, she tries to backup when the engine dies on her again. Cherry has no trouble getting the engine started backup, as clip one is coming to an end Cherry is about to make a left turn.
What will clip two bring us? Will the engine die on Cherry again? Or will Dakota take over and drive the Monte-Carlo in clip two? We will have to wait for clip two to find out. Until then pleasant dreams. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂