The girls climb in the Jeep with Cherry Morgan hopping behind the wheel. It’s too early for the struggle but it’s real and it’s now. The Jeep is cold and you can hear the battery is starting off kind of weak. Cherry gives it some full pumps to the floor while cranking it and after about 3-4 tries, she gets it started. They stop by the gas station to get some gas before heading off again. While driving, they chat about all kinds of things…food, friends and sugar daddies! lol
Cherry & Dakota Crank & Drive The Jeep Fill The Tank Up With Gas / White Thong Sandals & Black Tom’s Slip On Canvas Shoes / 1080 I MP4 HD
It’s a cold morning Cherry and Dakota are going to shoot some videos first they have to fill the jeep up with gas. Cherry gets behind the wheel, she’s wearing a long sleeve shirt, denim jeans, white thong sandals. Dakota is in the front passenger seat from what I can tell it looks like she’s wearing a black sleeveless shoulder strap top, denim jeans, black tom’s canvas slip ons.
Cherry has a little bit of trouble getting the key in the ignition Dakota helps her get the key in the ignition now that’s all Cherry has to do is get the engine started. Cherry doesn’t prime the carburetor by giving the gas pedal any pumps before cranking it it takes her close to a minute to get the engine started, it’s a good thing she gets the engine stated when she did the battery sounds weak. Dakota thinks it cool she gets the engine started so fast, now on there way to the local food-mart it’s only a couple blocks from HQ they drive there in under a minute, the camera fades.
When it comes back on Cherry has to do some cranking and pumping of the jeeps gas pedal it takes close to three tries to get the jeep started now there on thee way over to Cassandra’s to shoot some videos. Wile there driving they talk about friends they’ve seem in the past few days. Shish is in the back seat getting whole body and some nice footwell video of both Cherry and Dakota’s sexy feet both ladies wear size 7.5 shoes you don’t see Dakota’s feet until the camera comes back on and Cherry drives over to Cassandra’s.
Cherry makes a right turn down the dirt road to Cassandra’s driveway. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Cherry has turned into the driveway at Cassandra’s. The End. Cherry you and Dakota did a great crank and drive video in the jeep you got the jeep to start pretty fast hard to tell the last time it was started and driven the both of you have sexy feet in both white thong sandals and black tom’s canvas slip ons. Shish your camera work as always great. Good Work all!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 Happy fourth everybody. 😀 😀