They have to make their appearance and are already running way behind! Christal is going to drive, hopefully she can get the Jeep cranked quickly enough to make them miss this event entirely. She’s trying to start the Jeep while Gianna is giving her some coaching from the passenger seat. After a bit, Christal gets the Jeep running and they hit the road only to find some slow folks in their way!
Christal & Gianna Crank & Drive The Jeep / Going To A Party / 1080 MP4 HD/ PIP
Christal and Gianna are going to a party there running a late there going to take Christal’s red 1986 Jeep Wagoner, that is if she can get it to start shes been having problems with it lately. Christal is wearing a two tone dark and lite blue dress, round hat, white pearls, red patent leather stiletto pumps. Gianna is wearing a blue dress with white polka-dots, white pearls, white wedge sandals.
It takes Christal a little over 1 min 50 secs to get the jeep to start, from time to time she will press the brake pedal down with her left foot. With her right foot she will give the gas pedal short pumps two or three pumps here two or three pumps there, shes really trying to get the Jeep to start. Christal gets a little upset wile shes trying to get the Jeep to start. Gianna calms her down.
Now that Christal has the Jeep running there on there way. Christal and Gianna talk through out the video. Shish is using PIP in the lower left corner of the screen it looks like he’s using a minicam that one is mounted either on the passenger door or the dashboard that one is getting a whole body of Christal down to her feet, and a upper body shot of Gianna down to her waist.
The other is a mini cam is taking the rest of the screen of Christal’s feet mostly her right foot as she works the gas pedal as she was pumping the gas pedal trying to get the Jeep to start and drive the Jeep, you’ll see her left foot work the brake pedal from time to time.
Christal’s feet look really sexy in those red patent leather stiletto pumps. Gianna’s feet in her white wedge sandals they looks sexy in them. you don’t see them as much as Christal’s feet. Christal is wearing a hat the best way I can describe it, it like the type of hat a southern lady would wear. Christal isn’t going that fast about 25 MPH
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Christal and Gianna arrive at the party. The End.
Christal you and Gianna did a great crank and drive video both of you have sexy feet. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀