The ladies get in the old Chevy all dressed up to go to town. Gianna slips behind the wheel and you watch her struggle to start the old car from outside the car. You can hear the dialogue between the two as they talk to each other while Gianna keeps trying to start the car. When she does get it running, she doesn’t baby it, she revs it up pretty good before turning the car around and hitting the road. While driving, she put it into a lower gear by accident and you can hear the car staying at a higher rpm than normal as they drive to town.
Christal & Gianna Crank & Drive The Monte-Carlo Going Shopping For Some Shoes / Brown Cork Wedge Sandals / 720P MP4 HD / Clip 1 Of 2
it’s a nice day to go shopping for some shoes Christal has had trouble with her car so there going in Gianna’s rust bucket a 1986 Chevy Monte-Carlo that is if she can get it to start, it hasn’t been started or driven in a wile. Christal is wearing a white shoulder strap top, denim jeans, brown cork wedge sandals. Gianna is wearing a white halter tank top, denim jeans, brown strappy cork wedge sandals. As both ladies walk to the Monte-Carlo and get in. Cassandra is getting a whole body video as both Christal and Gianna walk to the Monte-Carlo from the house they talk back and forth as they get in the car.
Gianna puts the key in the ignition she begins to crank it, she then closes the drivers door and rolls down the drivers door window as she cranks and pumps the Monte’s gas pedal, there’s no footwell video at all as Gianna is trying to get the Monte-Carlo to start. Cassandra is getting a wide angle shot of the car from the drivers side. Gianna gets the engine to start a couple of times before the engine dies on her, finally she gets the engine started she revs it good and loud for a couple of minutes. Now that she has the engine warmed up. Cassandra is in the backseat getting a whole body video as Gianna backs the Monte-Carlo out of it’s parking space, Gianna has a little bit of trouble getting the gearshift in drive after doing that Gianna slowly goes down the driveway fallowing Shish he’s in the jeep.
Gianna makes a left turn she guns the engine getting the engine rpms up there good and high as they head to the shopping center. Gianna has the gearshift lever down close to her right knee as she’s driving down the two lane road she might have put the gearshift in low gear by mistake. As they drive to the shopping center Christal and Gianna talk about shopping for shoes, Christal tells Gianna that her right shoe has a broken strap. It takes a little over seven minutes to get to the shopping center. Gianna parks the Monte-Carlo. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen both Christal and Gianna get out of the Monte-Carlo they can’t wait to go in there and buy some shoes on sale.
What will clip two bring us? Will Christal get in the drivers seat? Will the Monte-Carlo be a pain in the ass to start? I think we know the answer to that question. We will have to wait and find out in clip two until then pleasant dreams. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀