She’s got the old Monte Carlo floodedΒ bad!! It’s sputtering, coughing and wheezing throughout this whole clip. She doesn’t give up but ultimately loses this battle when the battery goes completely flat! Various angles as she cranks away in her leather jacket, blue sequin top, big belt buckle, tight jeans and shiny brown cowgirl boots.
Daisy Cranking The Monte-Carlo Trying To Clear Out The Carburetor / Carmel Colored Cowgirl Boots / 720P MP4 HD
It’s a nice day the Monte-Carlo isn’t cooperating with Daisy she couldn’t get it to start earlier in the day she flooded the carburetor really good, she let it sit for a while hoping the carburetor would clear out. Daisy walks out to the Monte-Carlo she gets in and moves the seat up a little bit she also rolls down the drivers door window all the way, she’s wearing a white leather jacket, blue sequin pullover shirt, denim jeans, Carmel colored cowgirl boots.
Daisy was hoping letting the Monte-Carlo sit for a while would clear out the carburetor so she can run some errands, it doesn’t. Daisy cranks and pumps the Monte-Carlo’s gas pedal she pleads with it to start, the engine seems to want to start, every now and then the engine would sputter it wont start. Daisy gets frustrated, she keeps at it. Daisy sometimes doesn’t pump the gas pedal when the engine acts like it wants to turn over she will give the gas pedal a few pumps.
Shish is getting whole body video as she walks out to the Monte-Carlo, and upper and footwell video from the front passenger seat, the footwell lights are on. Shish walks around to the drivers side. The drivers door window is rolled down all the way as he shoots upper and footwell video through the drivers door window.
Daisy has been cranking and pumping the Monte-Carlo’s gas pedal for close to nine minutes she kills the battery, her sexy size 6 right foot must be a swamp for all the pumping of the gas pedal she’s done, with the battery dead the starter solenoid switch clicks away with each turn of the ignition key.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Daisy is turning the ignition key as the starter solenoid switch clicks as she turns the key. The End. Daisy you did a great cranking video in the Monte-Carlo, your feet look sexy in those Carmel colored cowgirl boots. Shish your camera work as always great. Good Work all!!!!!! π π π π π