She’s sitting on the couch slapping her flip flops against the sole of her foot when she gets a call. It’s a friend that invited her to come over. She’s excited to see this friend since it’s been a while. She grabs the keys to the 1974 Dodge Coronet and heads out the door. When she gets in, she gives the car a little pep talk to start for her and after some tries, it does…yay! She pulls out on the road and punches the gas! She drives the big car with some spirit on these twisty country roads and before long, she arrives at her friends house. She thanks the car for working for her and gets out.
Daisy Crank & Drive The Coronet Going Over to Friends House For BBQ / Denim Shorts & Red Flip Flops / 1080I MP4 HD /Custom # 710
It’s a nice sunny day Daisy is sitting on her leather couch with her red flip flops on her sexy size 6 feet slapping her right flip flop on the sole of her right foot, she gets a call on her smart phone from her friend she hasn’t seen in a while asking her what she’s doing. As Daisy is talking to her friend her cat is laying down on the couch beside her, as she’s talking to her friend on her phone, her friend asks if she’s hungry she says yes and tells her she’s having a BBQ would she like to come over , she tells her friend yes.
Daisy goes into the kitchen and picks the car keys up to her unreliable 1974 gray Dodge Coronet, she gets in the Coronet giving it a little pep talk before she primes the carburetor by giving the gas pedal a few pumps. Daisy has to do some cranking and pumping of the Coronet’s gas pedal to get the engine started. Daisy is wearing a orange tank top, denim shorts, red flip flops w/ pink toe nail polish. It takes Daisy a little over two minutes to get the engine started she has to do some cranking and pumping of the Coronet’s gas pedal.
Shish is getting a mixture of whole body video as Daisy sits on the couch and walks out to the Coronet as she walks out of the house on the wooden deck, and upper and some really nice closeups of Daisy’s sexy size 6 feet in her red flip flops, now that Daisy has the Coronet running she gives the the engine a mild revving to warm it up, she shifts into drive she slowly goes down the driveway on to the dirt road and makes a right turn.
Daisy is hungry she punches the gas pedal trying to go as fast as she when traffic permits, she makes left and right turns at stop signs. The Coronet behaves itself as she turns into the driveway of her friend house. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen. Daisy turns into the driveway of her friend house shifts into park and shuts the engine off and gets out of the Coronet. The End. Daisy you did a great crank and drive video in the Coronet, your feet look sexy in red flip flops. Shish your camera work as always great, good work all!!! Who ever ordered this custom I hope you liked it as much as I did. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀