She comes out of the house wearing your favorite clogs! She loves how sexy they are as she sits in the Bug and tries getting it started. Lots of bouncing as she pumps the gas in those white nurse clogs you love so much! The car sputters, she bites her bottom lip and softly begs the car to crank. Unfortunately, no luck today in getting the old VW running. She gets out of the car and as you both walk to the house, she says she wants to wear your clogs too.
Damara Cranking The Super-Beetle / White Nurses Clogs / Custom#659
it’s a nice sunny day Damara is going to start the VW Super-Beetle and do a little revving show for you she is wearing dark sun glasses, white long sleeve blouse, pink mini skirt, white leather nurses clogs. Now that’s all Damara has to do is gets the bug to start she walks out to the bug she has on her white nurses clogs that you like. Damara notices that you have your clogs on your feet she thinks they look sexy on your feet as she walk to the bug.
Damara gets in the bug she tries to get the bug to start, the engine sputters a couple of times as she struggles to get the bugs engine to start, she bites her lip as she bounces some. Damara keeps trying to get the bug to start. Shish is getting a mixture of whole body video as she walks to the bug from the house and upper and some really nice footwell video as she cranks and pumps the bugs gas pedal, after close to five minutes trying to get the bug to start it looks like Damara isn’t going to get the bug to start so she can do that revving show for you.
As she gets out of the bug she walks back to the house she wants to put your clogs on her feet. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen. Damara is walking back to the house as she tells you she wants to put your clogs on her feet. The End. Damara you did a great custom cranking video in the bug, your feet look sexy in those white nurses clogs who ever ordered this custom I hope you liked it as much as I did. Shish your camera work as always great. Good work all!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀