Damara is driving the Monte Carlo when it starts to sputter. She pulls off the road and the car stalls out. Traffic continues to go by as she tries getting it started. It sputters and sounds like it wants to start but never quite gets there. She does some shoe play while she gives the car a break, hoping that it’s only her impatience that is causing her to flood it out. Unfortunately, the breaks do nothing as the car still won’t start!
3 thoughts on “Damara’s Car Breaks Down – #288”
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This was an incredibly realistic situation with Damara truly playing the “damsel in distress” with a stalled out car, stuck on the side of the road, probably miles from home and she simply can’t get it re-started. She pumps the gas pedal a lot, thinking that the engine probably needs more gas flowing through it to get it re-started. Damara probably realizes after a while that she is only flooding the carburetor. To make matters worse, it truly appears that Damara truly is stranded as there is no evidence that she even has a cell phone so that she can call someone, anyone for help.
The shoe play performance that Damara exhibits while letting the car sit was truly amazing and arousing to watch! Damara while trying to be calm in her predicament began to show signs of impatience and nervousness as with each attempt to re-start the car it only seemed to yield a battery that was rapidly dying. Thus, the shoeplay, gorgeous nylon feet sliding in and out of her sandals, became more rapid. With Damara’s predicament what woman would not have become slightly agitated, especially as car after car was going by her without stopping? Where is male chivalry these days?
Finally another driver does stop and Damara is given a jump/boost to try and re-start the car. Sadly even this doesn’t help and Damara ends up asking the other driver for a ride to the store so that she can do the shopping that she originally had intended on completing.
Great job by Damara!! I’ve always found Damara to be the model who is quiet, says few words through a lot of dialogue, is usually calm, but nevertheless is so convincing, realistic, and quite sexy to watch while struggling to start up a car in cranking vids for this site!
Damara Cranking The Monte-Carlo On The Side Of The Road Trying To Go Shopping/ Black Open-Toed Wedge Slides/ Custom # 288
It’s a nice fall day Damara is driving her rust bucket a blue 1986 Chevy Monte-Carlo she’s going shopping that is if the Monte-Carlo will behave itself. Damara is wearing dark sun glasses, black jacket, black top, pink mini dress, black pantyhose, black open-toes wedge slides. Damara is driving along on a two lane road everything seems too be fine when out of the blue the engine stalls on Damara she pulls over to the side of the road, she tries getting the engine to start backup, it wont turn over.
Damara is cranking and pumping the Monte-Carlo’s gas pedal, she’s pumping the gas pedal so much it looks like she flooded the carburetor, she keeps trying for close to ten minutes she’s cranked the engine so much the starter is spinning slower with each turn of the ignition key, with all the cars passing by you would think somebody would pull over and offer to help her nobody even tries. It’s not until that Damara killed the battery she calls someone to come help her try to jump start the Monte-Carlo that does no good at all because the engine will not start period.
Shish is getting a mixture of upper body and footwell video as Damara cranks and pumps the Monte-Carlo’s gas pedal, she will stop cranking now and then she will slip her shoes off her feet and put them back on she does this quite a bit after the first five minutes of the video, after the good Samaritan tries to jump the Monte-Carlo Damara tries cranking and pumping the Monte-Carlo for a few more minutes before she gives up, she asks the good Samaritan if he would give her a ride into town so she can go shopping the Monte-Carlo isn’t going to crank.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Damara gets out of the Monte-Carlo. The End.
Damara you did a great custom cranking video on the side of the road, your feet look sexy in those open-toed slides, who ever ordered this custom I hope you liked it I sure did. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀
Good looking woman. I like her painted toes under her pantyhose. I would like to see her do a hold it to the floor, cranking video in pantyhose.