She’s taking the old VW Westy for another spin. Β This time, she’s wearing a two-toned dress and some black leather ballet flats as she wears this little air-cooled engine out!
She’s taking the old VW Westy for another spin. Β This time, she’s wearing a two-toned dress and some black leather ballet flats as she wears this little air-cooled engine out!
Damara Driving The VW Bus Revving The Hell Out Of The Engine / Black Ballet Flats / P.I.P / Custom #270 / 1080 I MP4 HD
Damara is going to do a custom driving video in the bus she’s wearing a black shoulder strap top, pink mini dress, black leather ballet flats. Shish is using P.I.P in the upper corner of the screen that camera is getting footwell video of Damara’s sexy size seven feet as she works the pedals the rest of the screen is almost a whole body shot from her head down to below the knees, you can’t see her feet at all in the whole body shot, as Damara starts the engine it fires right up with no problems.
Now that Damara has the engine running she backs out of the parking spot where the bus is parked at Cassandra’s, the Z28 is parked to the left as she backs the bus out of it’s parking spot, she puts the gearshift into first gear she slowly goes down the dirt road and makes a right turn she shifts from first into second and third and fourth gears as she does this she revs the hell out of the engine each time she shifts gears. Damara stops at stop signs and makes left and right turns, when she shifts gears she gets the engine rpms up there good and hight it’s a wonder she didn’t burn the engine out and crack the head like she did in custom 356 when she did a another custom driving video in the bus.
The P.I.P cam is getting some really great closeups on Damara’s feet working the pedals, the footwell cam is so close to her right foot it’s almost like her right foot is in your face if you were there watching her drive shifting through the gears and making left and right turns as she revs the hell out of the engine through out the video, now that the video is almost over. Damara drives back to Cassandra’s she makes a right turn down the dirt road parking the bus to the right of the Z28, right where this video began. Damara revved the hell out of the engine for about the last seventy seconds of the video.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Shish tells Damara to turn off the engine that oil is spewing out the ass end of the bus. Damara had this big smile on her face. I’m not sure if Shish was teasing her. The End.
Damara you did a great custom driving video in the bus your feet look real sexy in those black ballet flats, who ever ordered this custom I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Shish your camera work as always great. Good work all!!!!!!!!! π π π π π