She has some slight issues starting the Jeep before she’s able to make a run to the store. Β She starts out in her flip-flops but after having the Jeep stall a few times, she slips them off and does the drive wit her bare feet and red toes!
She has some slight issues starting the Jeep before she’s able to make a run to the store. Β She starts out in her flip-flops but after having the Jeep stall a few times, she slips them off and does the drive wit her bare feet and red toes!
Damara Driving The Jeep Too The Store / Black Flip Flops & Barefoot / 720 P MP4 HD
Damara is going to drive the jeep to the store first she has to get the engine too start, the jeep is being temperamental as usual. Damara is wearing dark sun glasses, white t-shirt, denim shorts, red toenail polish, black flip flops, barefoot. Damara gets the engine started on the first try she has her black flip flops on her sexy size seven feet after the engine stalls on her a couple of times she kicks her flip flops off , it takes two or three tries before Damara gets the engine running to where she can back the jeep out of it’s parking spot .
Now that Damara has the jeep running and backed out of it’s parking spot she’s on her way to the store. Scarlet is shooting this video she’s getting a mixture of upper body and some really great footwell video, she pans the camera from her head all the way down to her sexy size seven bare-feet. Damara is slowly going down the driveway she makes a left turn and she guns the engine trying to go as fast as she can her right foot goes back and forth from the gas pedal to the brake pedal. Damara is driving on a two lane back roads out in the woods as she heads to the store to get some stuff for the gang.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Damara is slowing down she might be getting ready to turn into the stores parking lot. The End.
Damara you didn’t let the jeep get to you at all you kept calm through the video showing the jeep whose boss, your feet look sexy in both black flip flops and barefoot. Scarlet you did a great job shooting this video. Good work all!!!!!!!!! π π π π π