Trying to find her destination. Â Lots of stopping, reversing, turning around and stalling with flooded hard-to-start cranking.
2 thoughts on “Damara in the Volvo – #547 (1st Edit)”
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Trying to find her destination. Â Lots of stopping, reversing, turning around and stalling with flooded hard-to-start cranking.
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Now you’re TALKING!!! This is the video COMPLETELY takes my breath AWAY!!! WOW…. Damara you are FANTASTIC!!!
I wonder who ordered this custom video then??? Hmmm… now let’s see – I think it was… ME!!!
I picture a WONDERFUL scenario here (which I am sure many guys would LOVE to experience) where Damara is the “office honey” and she has offered to give you a lift to the office in her CRANKY old car which she has recently picked up for a bargain price . She was looking for a car which could just get her to from A to B and with minimal maintenance needed as she HATES spending money on the car… She would MUCH rather spend the money on sleek new pairs of dress shoes! The neglected car has therefore GOT to be robust enough to cope with her occasional BAD/ LAZY driving habits on her hard daily drive to the office.
This REALLY is my IDEAL dream scenario of a BEAUTIFUL driving/ pedal-pumping damsel in distress who loses patience with her old car from time to time when it “doesn’t co-operate” to her need to get work sharply. SO EXCITING to see!!!
Damara looks GORGEOUS in her office clothing with hose/ tights and her patent black high-heeled pumps (which incidentally showcase some SUPER-SEXY toe cleavage). I love the way Damara’s sleek hairstyle looks with her large silver hooped earrings too. The earrings add lots of extra animation to the clip as they bob about as she is driving (AND STALLING). WOW… Watching her feet working the pedals will have you in a COMPLETE DAZE!!! I LOVE the way she manipulates the pedals with her toe/ heel technique and the fact that she brakes and STALLS the car since she occasionally forgets to use the clutch whilst slowing down! The camera captures some AMAZING SHUDDER effects as the car stalls! I know for a fact that Scarlet filmed this custom video series for me and she really has pulled out ALL of the stops for me in order to capture the ULTIMATE driving damsel role play from Damara. Thank you SO MUCH Scarlet for filming this for me with Damara. This video features EVERYTHING I could possibly ask for – LOTS of steering wheel turning; stalling; driving forwards in low gears and driving FAST in reverse when she missing a turning!
I am absolutely DELIGHTED!!!
RoadRunner xXx
Damara Mixed In The Volvo / Black Patent Leather Stiletto Pumps / P.I.P Custom #547 (First Edit)
Damara is doing a mixed custom video in a parking it looks like a high school I’m not sure on that. Damara is in the Volvo, shes wearing dark sun glasses, black leather jacket, pink & white two tone dress, black leather stiletto pumps.
Scarlet is shooting this video she’s using at least two maybe three cameras, ones in the backseat where Scarlet is most of the time in the video shes getting a mixture of upper body shots from the backseat and the front passenger seat, the other camera looks like a go pro camera that one is mounted on the windshield with a section cup that one is getting footwell video when P.I.P is turned on that one takes up almost the whole screen. Up in the upper cornet is P.I.P that one is getting upper body video through most of the video.
As Damara is doing a little of everything she’s going backwards and forward shifting from first to second gear stopping going into reverse, stalling starting the engine backup and calling the Volvo a stupid car, flooding the carburetor by pumping the gas pedal she also pulls the choke out at least one time, a real nice custom video. Damara’s size seven feet look really sexy as she works the pedals, she also drives around in circles in the parking lot. Damara gets up close to the side of a building when Scarlet puts a camera behind the steering wheel getting video as Damara goes backwards and forwards, as the video is coming to an end. Damara is leaving the parking lot.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Damara is making a left turn from the high school parking lot. The End. This is suppose to be the first edit are we going to get a second edit? We will have to wait and find out, who ever order this custom I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Damara you did a great custom mixed video in the Volvo your feet look sexy in those black patent leather stiletto pumps. Scarlet your camera work great. Good work all!!!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀