“Come awwn, grandmaw!!” I tell her, thinking she’s driving slower than what she is capable of. She gets on it in response to my insult.
“I’m trying not to flip this land sled…” she replies.
Now she’s getting on it a lot more and starting to scare me now. I guess I shouldn’t have called her a grandma. Lots of back-and-forth from the gas to the brake pedal during this hard driving session. The brake pedal goes way to the floor when she gets on those brakes hard, almost looks like the car has no brakes with how far down they’re going. She brings the land barge to a stop at a stop sign and the car quietly stalls out. She starts cranking the car over to get it started but it’s flooded bad and overheating some as there is smoke coming from under the hood. She’s pumping the gas pedal fast and getting a bit too anxious to get the car started and grinding the starter. Gotta remind her to not go crazy and permanently strand us there.
She keeps trying until the car fires up and she revs it hard and fast before dropping into gear and taking off again.