This first segment is of Jane driving them to the store while the second part is Diana driving home.
Jane is wearing this blue flannel shirt, dark blue booty shorts and patent creme colored thigh high stiletto boots. She gets the car started, buckles in and drives down the street to grab the license plate off another one of our cars. Shhh, don’t tell anyone.
Next, they’re going to the gas station but she’s gotta get the car started again. After a few tries, it sputters to life while Diana jokes about how their car not starting is how they get caught stealing license plates. They figure out which side the gas pump is on and Jane heads out towards the gas station.
It’s beer-thirty and everyone is getting off from work. So of course Jane parks at the pump by the main road and of course Jane shows off her boots and booty to the folks going by. Why? Because it’s Jane! lol Diana films (not seen) and I can only imagine what some of these Karen’s and Chad’s are thinking.
After the gassing up of the Renault and giving a show to traffic, she hops back in the car and has trouble getting it started again.
“Come on baby.” she says softly to the car while cranking it.
“Maybe hold it down.” Diana says. Jane does but the car doesn’t start. You can hear a subtle ‘shit’ in the background. They’re getting nervous and hoping nobody comes and tries to help them. A few more tries and the car starts to sputter then starts. *whew* Now, on to the store!