Dirty Diana Hard Driving the Jeep with Bare Feet

Dirty Diana Hard Driving the Jeep with Bare Feet

December 3rd, 2015

The Jeep doesn’t want to start with her wearing those thong sandals, so she kicks them off and pumps with her bare feet. Success!! She’s smiling as she revs up the Jeep, happy that it’s working for her today. She’s driving along, punching the gas when she can but runs into trouble a few times where the Jeep cuts out while driving. She has to put the car in neutral and crank it while coasting. It stalls a few more times when she comes to a stop, probably needs to get that looked at soon.

One thought on “Dirty Diana Hard Driving the Jeep with Bare Feet”

  1. Dirty Diana Driving The Jeep Over Too Cassandra’s Engine Stalling On Her Twice / Brown Thong Sandals & Barefoot / 720 MP4 HD

    It’s a nice day for a drive Diana is going to drive the jeep over to Cassandra’s so they can pick the Volvo up and shoot some custom videos later in the day. First she has to get the jeep to start. Diana is wearing a blue shoulder strap top w/ red roses, faded Levi jeans, brown thong sandals, barefoot. The jeep is being temperamental it takes Diana four or five tries to get the jeep to start, she has to do some cranking and pumping of the jeeps gas pedal the first couple of tries she had her brown thong sandals on her feet, she kicks her sandals off it takes about two or three more tries before the engine starts now there on there way to Cassandra’s.

    Diana tries to gun the engine as much as possible trying to go as fast as she can traffic is somewhat heavy she has to press down on the brake pedal a lot to slow down. Shish is getting a mixture of whole body video as Diana gets in the jeep and upper and some really great footwell video of Diana’s sexy size 10 feet as her right foot works the gas and brake pedals quite a bit. Diana gets startled a little bit when out of the blue without any warning the engine stalls on her she floors the gas pedal a couple of times nothing. Diana didn’t know what to do for a few seconds, she bumps the gearshift into neutral. Diana cranks and pumps the jeeps gas pedal it takes her about three or four tires to get the jeep started it takes her a little over 50 seconds to get the jeep started.

    Now that Dian has the jeep running she goes back to flooring the gas pedal trying to go as fast as she can until she makes a left turn down the dirt road to Cassandra’s driveway. Diana gets maybe about halfway down the dirt road when the engine stalls on her again. Diana has to do a little cranking and pumping of the jeeps gas pedal, she gets the jeep started she drives down the driveway and parks the jeep in front of what looks like a shed. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Diana is glad she made it. The End. Now she has to fight the Volvo to get it to start.

    Diana you did a great crank and drive video in the jeep your feet look sexy in both brown thong sandals and barefoot, you didn’t let the jeep get to you when the engine stalled on you those two times. Shish your camera work as always great. Good Work all!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

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