Dirty Diana Rev, Stall, Crank & Burns Up the Wires in White Thigh Highs
November 6th, 2021
She was just going to town romping on that Coronet’s gas pedal and making it’s engine scream when the engine just kinda conks out.
Out of gas maybe? She cranks it over again and again but it’s not starting. We end up seeing some smoking coming out from under the hood as well as that distinct smell of rubber burning…not like the good kind of rubber burning but that of a rubber/plastic wire coating burning.
Pop the hood and see a small little flame on a wire that the entire protective coating is just turned to white ash. Not really sure what it did as she gets the car started up and it seems to be running fine now. Guess that wire wasn’t needed after all.
Dirty Diana Mixed In The Coronet Revving It Good And Loud ( Engine Over Heat’s & Is A Little Bit Smokey – Engine Wire Catches Fire Burning Some Of The Insulation Off) Dark White Thigh High Leather Boots / 720P MP4 HD
It’s a nice day to romp on the gas pedal and do some revving getting the engine rpms up there good and loud. Diana is giving the Coronet’s 318 V8 engine a good revving it good and loud, the engine keeps dyeing on her she’s able to get it to start the two times it died on her that is until the third and forth times the engine wound not start back up no mater how many times she cranked and pumped the gas pedal coming close to killing the battery.
Diana is wearing a black leather jacket, dark red dress, dark white thigh high leather boots. Shish is shooting a mixture of whole, upper and footwell video as well as video of the engine compartment, there’s smoke coming from the engine, some of the insulation burned off the wire caught fire. It wasn’t by very much just a very small flame Shish was able to blow it out with not problem, after letting the Coronet sit for a few minutes with the hood up and he’s looking around the engine to get some idea what it was doing, he sees one of the wires had it’s insulation burned off a little bit.
Shish has Diana start and shut the engine up about two or three times to see what the engine is doing, when he would have her romp on the gas pedal to rev the engine good and loud you can see smoke come from near the carburetor, so the engine was overheating some. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen. Shish has Diana shut the engine off for the last time after having her start and rev and shut the engine off about three or four times. The End.
Diana you did a great mixed video in the Coronet your feet look sexy in those dark white thigh high leather boots. Shish your camera work great. Good work all!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂