Diva hasn’t driven a stick in a while and is nervous taking the bug out on the road. I talk to her during this video to help her out as she drives up and down the road in a pair of red over-the-knee boots. Once we pull back into the driveway, I get her to slip the boots off to reveal her French pedicure and to do some revving!
Diva Drive & Rev The Super-Beetle At Night / Red OTK Boots
This is one of the first videos Diva did for PTP this video was shot in 2010, shes driving the bug at night. Diva hasn’t driven a stick shift in a wile shes a little rusty and nervous. Diva is wearing either a gray or black sleeveless top, black leggings, red OTK boots its a short drive.
You can’t see much Shish is getting a mixture of upper body and footwell shots as the video begins its mostly footwell shots about half way Shish gets some upper body video. Shish gives Diva a few pointers like getting the rpms up when shifting gears and when too apply the brakes, the brakes on the bug are not that good you need a lot of room to come to a complete stop.
Diva drives not to far down the street she turns around and drives back to the house. Shish has Diva back the bug up, the reason you can’t see much Shish is using a small light on the camera hes using two cameras ones a small hand-held camcorder the other appears to be mounted.
Diva turns into the driveway Shish tells her where to backup after backing up. Shish tells Diva to take off her right red OTK boot off to do a little barefoot revving. Diva almost put her foot into Shish’s face she swings her right foot over to the right so she can take her right boot off. Diva says something like they stink couldn’t understand all what she was saying.
For the rest of the video she revs the engine with her right barefoot. Diva sure has sexy feet it looks like she has a French pedicure if you look closely at her right big toe it looks like she has a real small sunflower painted on her toe. Diva keeps revving the engine. Shish tells her to get the rpms up as Diva is revving the engine she has this big smile on her face.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen. Diva waves at the camera and she says”bye” laughing as shes waving. The End. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀