You never know how some days are going to be. Some could end up being really good and some really bad. Ellie gets a full dose of ‘bad’ in this series. It starts with a struggle to start the Jeep, which isn’t too out of the ordinary. As she’s driving along, she fiddles with the radio to get some music to pass the time. This clip ends with her cruising along, listening to music and the wind in her hair….
Ellie Mae Crank & Drive The Jeep Rough Drive / Brown Leather Cowgirl Boots / 1080I MP4 HD / Clip 1 Of 2
It’s a nice day for a drive it’s hot outside as Ellie Mae gets in the jeep she’s going on a drive first she has to get the jeep started, hard to tell the last time it had been started and driven. Ellie Mae is wearing a white sleeveless button down shirt, denim shorts, brown leather cowgirl boots. It takes Ellie Mae a little over a minute to get the jeep started, she doesn’t prime the carburetor at all as she cranks and pumps the jeeps gas pedal, the engine starts up.
Ellie Mae shifts into reverse she doesn’t back up not even a couple feet before the engine dies on her she doesn’t warm the engine up. Ellie Mae shifts back into park she cranks and pumps the jeeps gas pedal for no more then half a minute at the most, when she gets the engine started this time she revs the engine a little bit before she shifts into drive, she slowly goes down the driveway and makes a right turn at the driveway and a right turn at the stop sign.
The drivers door window is rolled down all the way air is flowing through Ellie Mae’s hair. Shish is getting a mixture of whole body video as she gets in the jeep and upper and some really nice footwell video of Ellie Mae’s sexy size 7.5 feet in her brown leather cowgirl boots, so far the drive is going without a hitch the jeep is behaving it self so far the drive is going fine. As Ellie Mae turns the radio on and fiddles with the tuning know trying to fine a radio station, she drifts into the other lane a little bit, she gets back into her lane, bet that was fun Lol 😛 😛
As clip one is coming to an end the drive seems to be going okay so far Ellie Mae is having a good time driving the jeep at least for now. What will clip two bring us? Will the jeep stall at a stop sign or a traffic light? Or will it stall after making a left or right turn? It did that to Audrey one time when she made a left turn driving over to Cassandra’s. We will have to wait and find out how clip two in this two part series turns out and see how Ellie Mae handles what the jeep throws at her. Until then pleasant dreams. 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀