Evian is going to take us for a drive in the Monte Carlo wearing some long leather gloves and a pair of leather over-the-knee boots. She has some trouble getting the Monte Carlo started. Evian has a very firm and aggressive pumping style which causes her to flood it out a bit and becomes the reason the car won’t start. She drives gripping the steering wheel with both leather clad hands and has this look of a woman who doesn’t want to be messed with. The car stalls on her once (she got lucky! lol) and it doesn’t take much to start again but she does drive a bit more aggressive after the stall, to remind the car not to mess with her!
3 thoughts on “Evian Pedal Pumping the Monte Carlo in Leather Gloves & OTK Boots”
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Again another outstanding video ! I am a glove and heels lover and you deliver !
Good video….
Evian Cranking & Driving The Monte-Carlo / Black OTK Boots 720 P WMV HD / PIP
Evian is going to do a driving video in the Monte-Carlo first she has to get it started, shes wearing a brown short sleeve shirt,red leather gloves, I’m not quite sure on the color of her pants they look like white denim jeans, black OTK boots.
Evian has just gotten into the Monte-Carlo if you look real closely at the ignition the keys are already in it looks like the Ignition is in the on position. Evian closes the drivers door she pumps the gas pedal a few times, shes cranking and pumping after a few tries the battery is beginning to get weak the engine sputters at least one time.
It takes Evian about 1 min 17 seconds to get the engine started she revs the engine really good to make sure it stays running, now that the engine is warmed up she puts the gearshift in drive she turns the steering wheel and goes around an SUV. Evian makes a right turn and there on there way.
Shish is using two cameras ones mounted either on the dashboard or the passenger side window with a suction cup that one is getting upper body shot from her head down to her knees, the other is in PIP that one is getting footwell shots its in the lower right of the screen getting video of Evian’s black OTK boots.
At first Evian doesn’t go that fast the speed limit is only 25 mph she makes left and right turns, the drive is going fine until she comes to a stop sign then out of the blue the engine dies on Evian.
Evian doesn’t realize the engine had died on her for about 15 or 20 seconds she puts the gearshift into neutral and back into drive she doesn’t understand why shes not moving, the camera fades for a few seconds. When it comes back on Evian puts the gearshift in park shes cranking and pumping it takes her about 30 seconds to get the engine to start , the camera fades again when it comes back on Evian is driving.
This time shes driving a little more aggressive shes trying to go faster. After driving for a little wile Evian heads back to the house. She turns into the driveway she maneuvers the Monte-Carlo down the driveway she stops the Monte-Carlo shes behind the Volvo its in front of the garage. Evian puts the gearshift in park when she tries to turn the ignition off by mistake she in-gauges the starter she grinds it before she shuts off the engine.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Evian has just turned the ignition to off she takes the keys out of the ignition. The End.
Evian you did a great crank and drive video although the engine stalling on you the way that it did startled you a little bit, you didn’t let it get to you you cranked and pumped the Monte-Carlo until it started, your aggressive driving after you got the Monte-Carlo running great.
Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀