Gia Nova hops in the Volvo in her cute retro outfit to try and get it started. The gas pedal is broken so she is only able to pump the rod that connects the gas pedal to the linkage. She firmly pumps the gas, turns the key and gets nothing. She fiddles with the choke, does some more pumping and gets mostly nothing with an occasional cough or sputter. She’s trying as best as she can to not flood it but the Volvo sounds like it needs more gas, so she keeps pumping away and bouncing in her seat to get this station wagon running!
Gia Nova Cranking The Volvo /Retro Outfit / Clip 1 Of 2 / Brown Strappy Heels
Gia Nova is going to try to start the Volvo shes wearing a retro outfit brown top with with white polka-dots, blueish dress, brown Mary Jane Strappy high heels, shear pantyhose,Gia Nova gets in the Volvo the gas pedal fell off its pedal rod. Shish is using two maybe three cameras two are mini cams one is behind the pedals getting footwell and leg shots, the other mini cam is mounted on the windshield getting upper body shots you see video from that on for the first minute of this clip, the other camera is probably a handheld cam that camera gets video from the backseat and from the passenger side door witch is opened a little later in the clip.
Now that Gia Nova is inside the Volvo she puts the key in the ignition she turns the key the engine starts right up and running for about 30 seconds before it dies Gia doesn’t rev the engine at all before it dies, when the camera switches to the footwell cam Gia doesn’t pump the pedal rod at first probably because the gas pedal either broke off the pedal rod or fell off either way she might have had a little trouble finding where the pedal rod was at first in about a minute or two Gia starts pumping the pedal rod in her brown Strappy heels, the engine teases her one time she almost got it to start.
Gia doesn’t talk at all in clip one she keeps trying to get the Volvo to start through out the clip the camera switches from upper body to footwell and the handheld cameras , with her left foot she pushes the clutch in and out she also takes the keys out of the ignition a couple of times, if Gia would hold down the pedal rod all the way to the floor to clear out the carburetor the engine might start.
As the PTP logo pops up on the screen Gia Nova is still trying as best she can to get the Volvo to start. What will clip two bring us? Could Gia Nova surprise us and get the Volvo to start? We will have to wait and find out in clip two until then pleasant dreams.:D 😀 😀 😀 😀