Gina gets her first go in the VW Bus. She’s wearing some tight riding pants and sexy boots when she goes to cranking it. It doesn’t want to start so she keeps gently pumping the pedal, patiently waiting for it to crank. She gets it to sputter to life and the proceeds to do some revving. It stalls during her revving from time to time but she gives it some gas, turns the key and gets it started again. She takes her boots off for some barefoot revving and cranking as well.
Gina Cranking & Revving The VW Bus Clip 2 Of 2 / Brown Knee High Boots, Barefoot
As we continue from clip one Gina is still revving the engine the mini cam on top of the dashboard is getting upper body and you can see a little of Gina’s boots as shes revving her right boot is on her foot so this is a little earlier from clip one before Gina took off her right boot. Shish opens the passenger side door Gina looks over where Shish is she then takes off her right boot shes wearing white socks with her boots she takes off both her right boot and her sock she continues too rev the engine.
The engine dies Gina has too do some cranking and pumping before the engine starts back up it takes her a little over a minute to get the engine started now that she has it running again she goes back to revving it a little later Shish opens the passenger side door to adjust the mini cam on the dashboard, the camera switches to the one under the seat that one is getting great footwell shots of Gina’s right barefoot as shes pressing down on the gas pedal revving the engine in about a minute or two Gina takes off her left boot and sock as shes revving the engine.
The camera switches back to the mini cam on the dash getting more upper body video, there’s another mini cam mounted with a suction cup on the inside window on the drivers side door that cam will get some footwell video but mostly that cam will get video of Gina turning the ignition key trying to start the engine back up thats a little later in the clip, if you look closely through the drivers side window theres Shish it looks like hes getting the bug ready for a shoot it looks like hes working around the engine.
The engine dies again with her sexy size 6 foot Gina cranks and pumps the gas pedal trying to get the engine to start again the engine sputters a few times Gina keeps cranking and pumping for about another two minutes before giving up the battery is getting weak really fast.
As the PTP logo pops up on the screen the battery is almost dead Gina gives up she opens the drivers door, it looks like Shish is walking over to the bus. The end.
Gina you did a great mixed two part series your feet look sexy. Shish your camera work as always great those mini cams are working out really good, good work all!!!!!! : D : D : D 😀