“Alright, let’s see if we can get her cranked up.” she says as she gets in. It takes a few good attempts while she pumps on the gas pedal to get it started up. She does some revving to warm the engine up on this chilly day.
She’s wearing a black leather jacket, jeans and these vintage dark red leather boots.
Gina Mixed In The Super-Beetle( Lets See If We Can Ger Her Cranked Up-Dark Sun Glasses) Vintage Red Leather Boots/ 1080I MP4 HD
It’s a nice day up at Casandra’s the bug is parked under a tree in the shade you might have to make a slight adjustment to the brightness on your video player for about the first 30 or so seconds as Gina walks out to the bug and as she’s getting in she says” Lets see if we can get her cranked.” Gina is wearing dark sun glasses, black leather jacket, denim skinny jeans, vintage red leather boots. Gina gets in as as Shish gets in through the passenger door.
The bug hasn’t been started in a while Gina cranks and pumps the bugs gas pedal with her sexy size 6.5 right foot, she’s not shy when pumping the gas pedal she pumps it good and firm. Shish is shooting a mixture of whole body video as Gina walks out to the bug, and upper and footwell video, he also gets out and shoots video of the exhaust after she gets the bugs engine started.
Gina gives the bugs engine a pretty good revving she gets the engine rpms up there a little bit not too high, she revs the bugs engine for close to five minutes before she shuts the engine off and gets out. As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen Gina has just shut the bugs engine off and she gets out of the bug. The End. Gina you did a great crank and rev video in the bug, your feet look sexy in those red vintage leather boots. Shish your camera work great. Good Work all!!!!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀