She’s driving her big truck with an itty bitty skirt on, bare legs and some sexy stiletto black patent pumps! She’s good at wheeling the truck and isn’t afraid to get the beast up to speed on these curvy roads. She ends up behind a school bus but the driver of that bus is a lead-footed female drive as well. So Hana doesn’t have to worry about putt-putting along. She casually talks with me as we drive, enjoy the sexy view of her legs working the pedals in the big truck!!
Hana Driving Her Dodge Ram Truck / Black Patent Leather Stiletto Pumps / WMV 720 P HD
Hana is finished shooting videos for the day she’s going to drive Shish back to the house, it’s not that far it takes a little over seven minutes to get there. Hana is sitting in her truck she takes out her smart-phone out showing Shish a picture of a horse.
Hana is wearing a white long sleeve shirt, denim mini skirt, black patent leather stiletto pumps. Hana puts her smart-phone back in her purse she starts the engine the Dodge Ram comes to life as she revs it a couple of times, it sounds like she has a 345 Hemi under the hood. Hana puts the gearshift in drive as she’s going down the driveway it’s quite bumpy. Shish makes a comment that the Volvo rides better then her truck.
Shish is getting a mixture of upper body and some really great footwell shots as Hana floors the gas pedal trying to get the truck to go as fast as she can. I’m not sure the fastest she was going at one time was about 40 maybe 45 MPH, the speed limit on the road she is driving on is 25 MPH. School had just gotten out there is a school bus in front of Hana so she couldn’t go as fast as she wanted.
Shish and Hana talk some on the way back to the house, she turns into the driveway she parks the Ram she shuts he engine off, she turns to the camera and sticks her tongue out.
As the PTP copyright logo pops up on the screen. Hana turns to the camera and sticks her tongue out. The End
Hana you did a great driving video in your Dodge Ram, your feet in those black stiletto pumps they look really sexy in them. Shish your camera work as always great good work all!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀